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注:此版本 dosa 支持相应系统为: 1、 Server 2003 sp2 ; 2、 Server 2003 sp2 64 bit ; 3、 windows 2003 SBS sp2 ; 4、 Server 2008 ; 5、 windows 2008 SBS\EBS x64 ; 6、Red hat Linux4.7 32bit ; 7、 Red hat Linux 4.7 64bit ; 8、 Red hat Linux5.2 32bit ; 9、Red hat Linux 5.2 64bit ; 10 、Suse Linux10 sp2 64bit ; 11 、ESX 3.5 U4 安装步骤 : 操作系统光盘版本一定要和 DOSA 安装时选择的版本一致,否则 DOSA 会报告插入无效光盘。 支持的服务器类型: Dell PowerEdge M610 Dell PowerEdge M710 Dell PowerEdge R610 Dell PowerEdge R710 Dell PowerEdge T610 Dell PowerEdge T710 Dell PowerEdge R410 Dell PowerEdge T410 1、在开机自检时按 F10 进入 dosa 安装界面:进入 F10 界面,这里需要耐心等待 5 分钟左右: PouerEdge T610 Entering System Seruices. Please uait??? 3、进入安装界面选择 os deployment : UNIFIED SERVER CONFIGURATOR LIFECYCLE CONTROLLER ENABLED UNIFIED SERVER CONFIGURATOR LIFECYCLE CONTROLLER ENABLED MsLL MsLL UNIFIED SERVER CONFIRURATOR L1FFCVCI F rONTROLLFR FNABLED Plat-form Update OS Deployment Diagnosti匚s Sett ings Exit and Reboot UEFI v? 1 Cperaiing System DepioymeHt The OS D已口1叮yment Wizard guides you through the 乞已ri巳吕 of steps required tc dep lay the operating system. D印luy D5 4、配置raid (在raid卡bios中也可进行配置,这里就可以选择跳过 raid配置):本文选择跳过 raid配置 Operating System Deployfnent (Step 1 of 3) Select an Operatin皀 System Selent an OperatSystem Insert OS Media Reboot the system You ha\/e the opt ion erf conf iguring RflID hefore continuing uui 廿 CIS deployment - If you configure RAID 于 irst, the RAID Conf iguration Wizard tuill return to the OS Deployment (* Conf igure RAID noiu; C Gq directly to OS deployment 配豊raid 跳过均id配 UEFI v2.1 Back 这里需要等待一会: Select an Operat ing System Select an Operat ing System Insert OS Media Reboot the system Operating System Deployment (Step 1 of 3) Select an operating System Vou have the option of configuring RAID before continuing uith OS deployment. If you conflgure RAID first, the RAID Corrfjguraticn Hizarci wi 11 return to the OS Deploynent C Configure RAID rrou UER v?1 Back Cancel 5、选择要安装的操作系统,点击下一步: UNIFIED SERVER CONFIGURATOR LIFECYCLE CONTROt I.ER ENABLED UNIFIED SERVER CON


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