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Chinese Zodiac culture VS Western Constellation Culture Origin 张杰 Time period method 石江伟 character analysis 王晨 Where did 12 Constellations come from In astrology (占星学),The Zodiac(黄道)(the obit in which the sun moves) was divided into 12 areas, 30 degrees an area, which we later called The Solar constellations Constellation Culture from明赛之 Old Babylonian 亲的 The oldest catalogues of stars and constellations are from old Babylonian astronomy, beginning 伊甸园 in the Middle Bronze Age(青铜器 LONGHENGDEYUDJANYUAN 时代). The numerous sumerian( 晚古代巴比伦文明 闪族人) names in these catalogues 按开历史的层层迷雾 suggest that they build on older, but 人类文期之谜向你娓娓道来 unattested(未经证实的) Sumerian traditions of the early Linked 出社 The current list of id 88 constellations recognized by the international Astronomical union(国 际天文联合会) SInce 1922 is based on the 48 listed by Ptolemy(托勒 in his almagest 天 文学大成) in the2nd century Ptolemys catalogue is informed by Eudoxus of Cnidus, a greek astronomer of the 4th century BC who introduced earlier Babylonian astronomy to the hellenist(希腊风格的) Linked culture The origin of Chinese Zodiac There are many stories and fables to explain the beginning of the zodiac. And there are two widely spread versions The legend Replacement of earthly Branches(地支) Linked Since the Han Dynasty, the 12 Earthly branches have been used to record the time of day. However, for the sake of entertainment and convenience they have been replaced by the 12 animals, The 24 hours are divided into 12 periods, and a mnemonic (助记) refers the behaviors of the animals Another story tells that God called the animals to a banguet that night. The Rat, who loved to play tricks on his neighbor, told the cat that the banquet was on the day after tomorrow. The cat believed his neighbor the Rat and slept dreaming of the banquet. The next day, the rat arrived first followed by the ox, the tiger and the rest of the animals. The order of the animals was decided by the order that they arrived Linked Origin Time



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