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Module1 Wonders of the world II .巩固练习 (1).根据汉语提示补全英语句子。 在我 看来,金字塔是最大的人造奇观。 21 世纪教育网版权所有 , the Pyramids are the wonders. 在新的一年,我希望你们的未来会甚至更加辉煌。 In the new year, I wish your future will be . 不止一个人提过这个建议。 one person made this suggestion. 这片陆地向下倾斜,投入海中。 The land and down to the sea. 什么也看不见,但是我知道它在那里。 There , but I knew it was there. (2).选词填空。 build, shoe , also, pay, have , during , enjoy, proud, one , cold In December , I went to India . It was my 1 trip there , and I really wanted to see the Tai Mahal泰( 姬陵) 。 The Tai Mahal is one of the most beautiful 2 in the world . It stands 3 in the city of Agra . I was a bit upset(不快的 )at the entrance fees. 4 the day , the fee was 20 rupees, but foreigners had to5 almost 1,000 rupees! When you get close to the Tai Mahal , you have to take off your 6 . You can not wear them on the marble大( 理石)。 I went there in the morning, so the marble was still very 7 . The outside of the building 8 beautiful marble carving(雕刻品) all along the walls. Inside , you can see the marble tombs 墓() and there are 9 beautiful carving on the inside walls. I really 10 my visit to the Tai Mahal. It was a memorable experience! (3).任务型阅读 A man was exploring(探测 ) some caves(洞穴) on the beach. In one of them he found a bag with many clay(泥) balls. It seemed that someone had made them and had left them there. They interested the man very much,so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he was walking down the beach, he throw one clay balls at a time out into the sea as far as he couldH. e didn ’ t think much of it until he dropped one of the balls. The clay ball broke, and a beautifu,l precious stone came out of it. Excited, the man started breaking the other clay balls. He found that they all had similar treasure in them. He found treasure that is worth thousands of dollars in 20 left clay balls. He regretted( 后 悔 ) that he had thrown away about 50 or 60 of the clay balls into the sea. He could have had a lot more money. This is just like what happe


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