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Unite 1 Unite 1 页脚内容 页脚内容 PAGE # e nemy e nemy— en emies un tidy ——un tidier ——un tidiest steal— stole — stole n lie— lied — lied — lyi ng 说谎 missing adj.缺少的,丢失的 Oh, my god! My food 2016中考英语第一轮复习导学案 9A Unit 8 Detective stories 一、复习单词表 A拼读易错单词 sin gle probably couple safety guardtruth guess wound en emy suppose sin gle probably couple safety guard B重要单词用法 wealth ——wealthy ——wealthier ——wealthiest shut—shut—shut--shutt ing lie— lay— lain—lyi ng 躺,位于 lay— laid — laid—layi ng 放,扌阁 miss v.思念,错过 (不见了) ()I can t say I miss my old friends. A. how much B. how long C. how many D. how far It aspity that I missed (read) the detective story with him.「 report n.报告,报道(可数) v.报告,举报 report sth./sb.to sb. report+ 宾语从句 ( ) excit ing weather report! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an The victim wan ted to the crime which his boss had committed the police.(向 举扌报) A wit ness that he was breath ing heavily and had blood on his shirt. (据报道)that the police are looking for clues to_something importa nt at the sce ne of the crime. suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想 suppose+(that)从句 We that the victim knew his murderer.(我们猜想受害者认识凶手) We that the victim knew his murderer.(我们猜想受害者不认识凶 手) suppose+ n ./pr on.+… I supposed him (to be) in the readi ng room. be supposed to do sth. =should do sth. 应该做某事 Stude nts (suppose) to hand in their homework on time. suppose用于口语 I suppose so. 我认为是这样。 I don t suppose.我认为不是这样。


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