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洪静怡博士 2011年5月18日 浅谈美国讲演撰稿技巧 1 演讲主题 : 从跨文化交流的视角,简介美国演讲技巧。希望有助听众 知己知彼,在国际交流中有效传递信息,促进了解,建立互信。 演讲要点 I. 时代特点 Age of globalization, Age of Communication, Age of Personality II. 通过简介华盛顿地区演讲训练以及蔚然成风的演讲热了解公众面临信息时代知识爆炸的局面需要各行各业的专家梳理,综合,简化各类信息,并能深入浅出地讲出来。 III.培训热,点评名人领导人演讲蔚然成风 2 新时代的新挑战 历史的回顾 林肯,丘吉尔,拿破仑,撒切尔,等 演讲风格的传承与发展 现代领导人中出类拔萃的演讲者 欧巴马,布莱尔,克林顿,里根 3 华盛顿职场及社交界演讲热一瞥 首都演讲者俱乐部 训练三分钟演讲及礼仪 Pause, Poise, Power 美国妇女新闻工作者协会 美国专业演讲者协会 新闻记者协会 社交演讲俱乐部 4 专业培训 专家点评 Laban Movement Susan Miller 声音诊断及训练 “Unlock Your Vocal Power” by voice trainer Susan Miller 演讲撰稿全方位培训点滴 如何做到态度诚恳,风度优雅,内容充实立论清晰,肢体语言恰如其分 专家点评新趋势 拉班专家评欧巴马国情咨文 民主党培训青年领导人演讲 技巧 5 非语言传达信息的重要性 The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication Power Presence 穿着使你成功 形象设计 Eye contact (与听众对视表达自信) Power Gesture 手势,姿势 (站有站相,坐有坐相) 6 Tools for Giving Presentations 准备演讲步骤须知 7 Audience Characteristics 了解听众 Who are your listeners, and what is their relationship to your topic? How well informed are they about the subject matter? What do they need to know? What do they know about you?  Are there other obstacles, history, or expectations that you need to take into account? What presentation techniques might best capture their attention and get your points across most effectively (e.g., demonstrations, personal stories, multimedia?)   Example: lectures at Inter-American Defense Institute, Steve Jobs’ commencement speech at Stanford U 8 Logistics 细节清单 Presentation Topic Date Presenter(s) Presentation Location Meeting Coordinator and Phone number Site Contact Person and Phone number Number of People Attending Handouts Room Setup Equipment and Supplies   Example: CS speech at a forum, my speech on “Chinese Concept of Food and Health Presentation” 9 Presentation Context 演讲形式,时间要求,场地,等细节 Is the presentation formal or informal? Who will speak before and after you? What do they plan to say? Are you the first or last speaker of the program? The day? The morning or afternoon? How much time do you have for the


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