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客舱乘务员服务规范用语指南 模块一:登机迎客服务 1. 您好!早上好!中午好!晚上好!欢迎您登机,见到您很高兴! Good morning (afternoon /evening) /welcome aboard! / nice to meet you! 2. 很乐意为您服务! It’s my pleasure to serve you! 3. 您好,欢迎您的到来! Hello ,welcome ! 4. 您好,欢迎您选择川航的班机! Hello ,Thank you for choosing Sichuan Airlines. Welcome to Sichuan Airlines. 5. 需要我帮您安排座位吗? Can I help you to arrange your seat? 6. 您的座位号码在行李架下方有亮灯指示/您的座位号码在行李架的边缘处,请您对号入座。 The seat number is marked under the overhead compartment/ on the edge of the compartment ,please takes your seat. 7. 您的行李物品请有秩序的摆放入行李架内…谢谢!/小件物品可以放入座椅下方靠前位 置 …谢谢! Please put your baggage in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you. Thank you. 8.先生/小姐:您好!亲您侧身让身后旅客先通过,以避免客舱拥堵。谢谢!(适用于通道堵 塞时) Excuse me ,sir/ miss,could you please stand aside (and give way to other passengers? Thank you. 9. 您好!先生/小姐:请您出示一下登机牌/可以看一下您的登机牌吗?…不好意思,您的座 位在 x 排 x 座,是前面/后面的座位,您这边请… (适用于旅客坐错座位时需调整时) Excuse me, sir/miss, Could you please show me your boarding pass? (Your seat number is __ ,in the __ row. It is in the front / rear of the cabin.)This way, please! 10. 为确保飞行安全,保持飞机配载平衡,请您按登机牌上的号码对号入座。(适用于旅客 未对号入座时) To maintain the balance of the aircraft, please take your assigned seat. 模块二:延误时登机(迎客/送客)服务 1. 欢迎您,让您久等了/ 您辛苦了。 Welcome aboard! Thank you for your waiting! 2. 您慢走,感谢您的理解/支持。 Goodbye. Thank you for your support and understanding. 模块三:安全检查(起飞/着陆) 1. 飞机准备起飞了,请确认您的安全带已经系好。 We are preparing for take-off. (Well take off soon)Please fasten your seat belt. 2. 先生/小姐,请您收起小桌板…谢谢! Excuse me, sir/miss, please lock your table in place. (Please put your tray table up.)Thank you 3. 先生/小姐,请您调直座椅靠背/ 您的座椅靠背还有些靠后,我再为您调整一下好吗?… 谢谢! Excuse me ,sir/miss, would you please put your seat into the upright position ? 4 先生/小姐,请你关闭手机电源…..谢谢。 Excuse me, sir/miss, p


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