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例 ## example of PLS-PM in multi-block data analysis ## estimate a path model for the wine data set ## requires package FactoMineR library(FactoMineR) data(wine) SMELL - c(0,0,0,0) VIEW - c(1,0,0,0) SHAKE - c(1,1,0,0) TASTE - c(1,1,1,0) wine.mat - rbind(SMELL,VIEW,SHAKE,TASTE) wine.sets - list(3:7,8:10,11:20,21:29) wine.mods - rep(A,4) # using function plspm.fit (basic pls algorithm) res4 - plspm.fit(wine, wine.mat, wine.sets, wine.mods, scheme=centroid) plot(res4, what=all, arr.pos=.4, box.prop=.4, cex.txt=.8) ## End(Not run) * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 ## Not run: ## example with customer satisfaction analysis ## group comparison based on the segmentation variable gender data(satisfaction) IMAG - c(0,0,0,0,0,0) EXPE - c(1,0,0,0,0,0) QUAL - c(0,1,0,0,0,0) VAL - c(0,1,1,0,0,0) SAT - c(1,1,1,1,0,0) LOY - c(1,0,0,0,1,0) sat.inner - rbind(IMAG, EXPE, QUAL, VAL, SAT, LOY) sat.outer - list(1:5,6:10,11:15,16:19,20:23,24:27) sat.mod - rep(A,6) ## reflective indicators pls - plspm(satisfaction, sat.inner, sat.outer, sat.mod, scheme=factor, scaled=FALSE) ## permutation test with 100 permutations res.group - plspm.groups(pls, satisfaction$gender, method=permutation, reps=100) res.group plot(res.group) ## End(Not run) plspm.groups {plspm}: Group Comparison in PLS-PM * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 nipals {plspm}: Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares(主成份分析) Principal Component Analysis with NIPALS algorithm library(plspm) data(wines) nip1 - nipals(wines[,-1], nc=5) plot(nip1) * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 Sohn Park(2001)[3]的蒙特卡罗模拟比较表明:(1)以均方误差和对因子载荷的方差为标准,在数据量小,而且表现出稍微非正态时,ML性能最差;当数据是正态或近似正态时,在ML和PLS之间没有显著差别,(2)以因子载荷的偏差为标准,无论数据量大小,ML随着非正态增加而性能变差,(3)以回归系数的均方误差为标准,PLS比ML要好。 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 顾客满意度模型 * 精品PPT·可编辑借鉴 瑞典顾客满意度指数模型 感知表现 顾客预期质量 顾客满意度 顾客抱怨 顾客忠诚 SCSB 感知表现 顾客预期质量 顾客满意度 顾客抱怨 顾客忠诚 五个隐含变量中,顾客预期质量为外生隐变量(exogenous latent var


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