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. Reading Report of Sons and Lovers During my extracurricular time, I started reading Sons and Lovers, which was written by David Herbert Lawrence. He was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. He was born on September 11, 1885 to a miner and his wife in the small village of Eastwood near Nottingham, England. Arthur and Lydia Lawrence, his parents, had a troublesome marriage from the start: his father, a miner, was content to stay on the mining grounds while his mother yearned to leave. So his childhood was dominated by poverty and friction between his parents. He was educated at Nottingham High School, and won a scholarship. He worked as a clerk in a surgical appliance factory, and then for four years as a pupil-teacher. He was died in Vence, France on March 2, 1930. Lawrence is now valued by many as a visionary thinker and significant representative of modernism in English literature. There is a background before the author wrote this book. Lawrence lived at a time when the Industrial Revolution was taking on the whole world, especially in Great Britain, which changed from agricultural society towards industrial society. And it brought all changes in national and personal lives. Lawrence novel Sons ’ s and Lovers deals with Lawrence ’personal experiences in the working -class environment in Nottinghamshire. Sons and Lovers is the third published novel of D. H. Lawrence, taken by many to be his earliest masterpiece. It tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and a budding artist. This autobiographical novel is a brilliant evocation of life in a working class mining community. This novel is about the life of Movels. Mr.Morel, Mrs.Moel, Paul, Miriam and Clara are the main characters in this novel. The author develops the story by portraying the relationships between these characters. But the end of the relationship is a tragedy. I divided this book into two parts. Now I will introduce the first


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