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形容词和副词;形容词;从前,有一个很漂亮的公主,住在一个很大的宫殿里,因为她爸爸是一个很有钱的人……..;六年级数学竖式计算题 [1–(41+83)]÷81 91–125×5 4÷3 25×13 ÷52 ×3 10 13.09-8.12-4.88 (1–61 ×52)÷97 71÷32×7 1211–(91+125) 254×43–50 1 25÷(87 –65) 158+32–43 (65–43)÷(32+9 4 ) [1–(41+52)]÷3.5 [(1–5 3)×3 2]÷4 83+31+41 51×[31÷(21+65)] 12÷(1–7 3 ) [(1–61 ×52)÷97 [(1–53)×52]÷4 8–74÷32×61 54×32–6 1 ÷21 (65–43)÷92 (21+31)÷(1–83) 51÷3+54×31 94+72+18 5 ÷21 72×(2 1–31 +41) 2–32÷54–61 98+76×32+73 83+54×65+3 1 71×116+115÷7 4–158÷32–;$1,000,000;形容词用法;作宾补: 放在宾语后,常与keep,make,find,feel,think等动词连用。 We should keep our classroom clean and tidy. What he said made me happy. 常用于下面的句型中: keep sth +adj. make sb+adj. find/feel/think it+adj.to do sth ;考点三、形容词作宾语补足语 动词+宾语+形容词 1.We should keep our classroom ___________ (干净又整洁). 常见动词:keep, make, find, feel, think 2.I find it __________ (有趣的)to learn English. 3.What he said made me _______.(悲伤的); 1. ---What do you think of the cake? ---I like it very much. It tastes_______. A. good B. terrible C. well 2. We love to go the country in spring as the flowers smell so_____. A. well B. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely;1. 形容词/副词+enough、;中考题?So Easy!;中考题?So Easy!;;I have never been to Beijing. I remember I saw you somewhere before. Students must listen to the teacher carefully in class. Your new dress is very beautiful. He runs faster than me. I can easily remember her name.; 1.He is always ____. Look, he is laughing___ now. A. happily; happy B. happy; happily C. happy; happy 2.The driver drives ____. He is a ____ man. A. carefully; careful B. careful; carefully C. careful; careful D. carefully; carefully 3.Your handwriting is _____ mine. A. as well as B. as good as C. as beautifully as ; 一般情况下,副词可以分为以下几类: A. 时间副词 B. 地点副词 C. 方式副词 D. 程度副词 E. 疑问副词 时间副词 now, today, yesterday, often, always, since, ever等 地点副?? here, there,


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