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支旗中学九年级英语集体备课教学设计 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. Section A Period 1 一、 教学内容分析 本单元的话题主要是谈论个人的喜好, 本节课主要是让学 生运用定语从句来介绍自己喜欢的音乐类型 ,喜欢的歌手, 通过逐步增加学习定语从句来讨论喜欢的电影,运动等。 二、 教学背景分析 音乐是学生喜欢的话题,学生乐于直抒己见,本课的话题 与生活实际联系较为密切,能够锻炼学生运用英语、进行交际 的能力。 三、 教学设计说明 本课通过不同种类的音乐,谈论学生自己的喜好,主要是 应用定语从句这一语法,可以说,本节新课是对这一语法的具 体操练。本课使用多媒体课件教学, 用不同类型的音乐的图片、 乐曲来吸引学生,激发学生学习的积极性。同时,能让音乐这 门无国界的语言愉悦学生的心灵。 Topic Unit9 I like music that I can dance to . (Section A Period 1) Time Dec. 8 学校 支旗中学 班级 Grade 9 Teaching aims Knowledge objects Key words : prefer ----preferred, prefer A to B =like A better than B, prefer to do A rather than do B lyric sing along with loud music Target language : I like music that I can dance to./sing along with . I prefer music that has great lyrics.=I prefer music with great music. I like music that isn t too loud . Ability objects Train students to express preferences with relative clause. Train students listening skBe able to listen to the languages about music. Moral objects Let enjoy music. It always brings us happiness. Importan They can learn: t points New words. Target language. Difficult points Express preferences. The listening practice. Task activities Task 1:Guessing game. Task2: Make up conversations. Task 3: Groupwork.( Sing or dance according to the different kinds of music.) Teaching steps Step 1: Leading-in (Task 1 ) Play different kinds of music and let students guess what kind it is :rock music, light music, symphony,rap tap, folk music Step 2: Discussion T:OK. What kind of music do you like ? Please tell me. S1:l like Pop music. S2: I like Rap music. S3: I like folk music. ? ? ? ■ T: Right.Now, let go into today study,we can learn more about music. Step 3: Presentation Look at the screen. It shows some pictures about famous singers,and they belong to different kinds of music. For example: I like music that has great lyrics (歌 词).=I like music with great lyrics. I like music that isn too loud. = I like quiet music. They talk about them as much as pos


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