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Welcome to the first ELTe cs session this academic year 8RH75:8 Today' s session is about Creativity in the Classroom 8RH75:8 Outcomes o gain a greater awareness of what creativity is, its features and the implications for the classroom o have hands-on experience of language learning activities with transitions To discuss the ELTe Cs programme 88器R器H75 Creativity in the Classroom What is creativity? Why is creativity important? 88器UR器75漲 What is creativity? 88器UR器75漲 What is creativity? Did you think your colleagues answered these questions the same way as you did? People hold very different views of creativity. Some think they aren't creative at all and it is only the privileged and artistically talented who can be considered creative, others think that to cook a good dinner is already a clear sign of creativity. 88器UR器75漲 Why is creativity important? Language use is a creative act Compensation strategies use creative and often imaginative ways of expression Some people cannot learn at all if they are not allowed to be creative Most people become more motivated inspired or challenged if they can create something of value 88UR器75 Why is creativity important? Creativity improves self-esteem Creative work in the language classroom can lead to genuine communication and co- operation. Creative tasks enrich classroom work Creative thinking is an important skill in real life 88器UR器75漲 Am l ever creative? Have you ever found that you wanted to do something but you did not have the right tool material to do it and then you found some way of using another object/material and managed somehow? E.g. You opened a bottle or a tin without a bottle or tin opener or substituted an ingredient in a recipe with another ingredient have you every changed an activity in your course book or a resource book to match the needs of a particular group you teach? YeS? There you go you are creative 88UR器75 Do I ever get my


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