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课件分享 课件在线 课件分享 课件在线 讲课人:优质老师 呵护儿童健康成长 * 课件在线 Unit4 Our world Topic2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake? Section A * 课件在线 Lead - in Talk about some earthquakes you know with your classmates * 课件在线 Listen to 1a and choose the correct answer. 1b Kangkang and Li Ming are talking about _______. ways to protect us from earthquakes the earthquakes in China the number of buildings falling down the missing people in earthquake * 课件在线 Listen again and complete the table. 1c Earthquake Year Degree Fact 2010 zx.xk buildings _____________ some people __________ many people ___________ Wenchuan earthquake more serious 240 000 people __________________ Yushu earthquake fell down died were missing 2008 Tangshan earthquake 1976 the most serious lost their lives serious * 课件在线 Act out the dialog in pairs. Pair Work * 课件在线 lose one’s life 失去生命 protect sb. from 保护……免受…… Eg: 戴太阳镜可以保护眼睛不受伤害。 Wearing sunglasses can ____________________ the sunshine.zxx.k 3. ask sb. for help 向某人求助 Eg: 当我们处于危险时,可以向警察求助。 We can _____________________ when we are in danger. protect our eyes from ask the police for help * 课件在线 Find out the comparative and superlative degrees in 1a. more serious the most serious Work out your own grammar rules and check them with your teacher and classmates. * 课件在线 The telephone is useful. zxxk telephone The mobile phone is ___________ than the telephone. mobile phone The computer is _______________ of the three. computer more useful the most useful * 课件在线 fire z.xxk earthquake rainstorm Ask and answer with your partner according to 2b. * 课件在线 football basketball baseball Ask and answer with your partner according to 2b. A:The __________ is dangerous. B: I think the ________ is more dangerous than the ________. C: Yes, but the _________ is the most dangerous of the three. * 课件在线 trees grass flowers Ask and answer with your partner according to 2b. * 课件在线 Chinese math English Ask and answer with you



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