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现在完成时态专项练习题 18. I(work) here since I 18. I (work) here since I (move) here 1. I __ already (see) the film. I (see) it last week. 2. _ he (finish) his work ? Not yet . 3. __ you __ (be) to Hong Kong ? Yes, I (be) there twice . 4. He just __ __ (finish) his homework. 5. _ the young woman ever (travel) to England? 6. _ each of you (read) “ Gone with the wind ” yet? 7. Have you __ (get) any new CDs? 8. My family have never __ (be) to Sanya. 9. They ever (eat) fish and chips. 10. I ___ just ___ __ (lose) my science book. 11. Has Tom _ (finish) his work? 12. I have already (read) this book. 13. She hasn't __(return) her book yet. 14. you ever __ (eat ) chocolate sundaes ? No, never. 15. My father _ _ just (come) back from work. He is tired now. 16. Where'sLi Ming ? He _ (go) to the teacher 17. Shanghai (be) a small town hundreds of years ago. It 用所给动词的适当形式填空 I. s o (become) a large city since then. in 1999. So far I (make) quite a few friends here. How long the Wangs (stay) here ? For two weeks. I just (finish) my homework. 常用过去分词 be(am,is,are) ( 是) was,were been begin (开始) began begun drink (喝)dra nk drunksing (唱)sang sungblow drink (喝) dra nk drunk sing (唱) sang sung blow (吹) blew blow n fly (飞)flew flown know (知道) knew known show (出示) showed show n choose (选择) chose chosen forget (忘记) forgot forgotte n (forgot) speak (说,讲) spoke spoken wake (醒) woke woke n drive (驾驶) drove drive n fall (落下) fell falle n rise (升咼) rose rise n ride (骑) rode ridden ring (铃响) rang rung swim (游泳) swam swum draw (画) drew drawn grow (生长) throw (投掷) break (打破) grew grow n threw throw n broke broke n do (做)did done lie (平躺)lay lain wear (穿) wore worn cost (花费)cost cost cut (割) cut cut hurt (伤害)hurt hurt put( 放) put put eat (吃) ate eaten give (给) gave given take (取)took taken write (写) wrote written go (去) went gone see (看见) saw seen hit (打)hit hit let (让)let let read (读)read read travel (旅游)travelled travelled lose lost lost return returned returne


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