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教学设计 教学主题 Unit11 How was your school trip? A 1a-1c 一、教材分析 本单元主要围绕学校郊游这一话题,让学生大量练习过去式的用法。 section 主要谈论郊游中有趣的事情,教学设计中要注意由易到难,循序渐进的进入,避免操之过急给学生造成学习障碍。 二、学生分析 学生在六年级时已接触过一般过去时,因此本课内容对学生来说容易接受。且本课话题围绕“农场之行”展开,对于城镇学生会感兴趣,对于乡村学生觉得很熟悉,所以能够调动他们的学习积极性。 三、教学目标 语言知识目标 基本词汇:学生会读写 milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite, anything, grow, farm, pick, 等单词。 基本词组:学生可以使用 milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot (of ?), in the countryside 来描述农场生活以及个人生活经历。 基本句型:学生理解并使用以下句型: How was your school trip ? It was great ! Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didn ’ t. I went to a farm. Did you see any cows ? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. Did Carol ride a horse ? No, she didn ’t. But she milked a cow. Were the strawberries good ? Yes, they were . No, they weren’t. 技能目标 : 能运用一般过去时描写过去的事情 情感目标 : 热爱乡村,热爱大自然,学会享受自然,放松自己。 四. 教学重难点 1 一般过去时动词的过去时和现在时的转变以及助动词 did 后要用动词原形。 学会使用一般过去时描述事物和情景。 五 . 教学方法 CLT( Communicative Langage Teaching );TLT( Task-basked Langage Teaching). 1 / 3 六教学流程设计(可加行) 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计目的 Students 通过 PPT播放美 景图片 , 学生聆 1 Greeting listen to the 听音乐并感受 backgroud 2 show some picture about my 旅行的快乐,为 Lead-in music and trip in HangZhou last week. 导入话题 enjoy the “School beautiful trips ”作铺 pictures.. 垫。 Student should 通过讨论并使 Let student discuss “ What do discuss with 用一些动词短 you often do on their 语的表达,为接 weekends” .Then I use mind mapclassmates 下来动词的过 to conclude their answers. and share them 去式表达做铺 Presentation with the other 垫。 students. Task one Task two  Student learn 巩固学习重点 Let students see some this phares 短语和单词以 pictures about my friends and read after 及动词的过去 me 式 .Students write down the 。使学生可以写 things they did Aak students to write last weekend 出目标动词短 语并自由表达 down what they did last and share them weekend. And share them with the other 想法。 with the other students students. Student 进一步训练学 生对目标语的 Let students finish the should finish 掌握以及听懂 exercise 1a and 1b the exercises 课文材料里的 of 1a and 1b 内容。 2 / 3 They should discuss with 学生可以自由 Let sudents discuss with their 讨论并



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