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Copyright * Skill 3:Dealing with pause 讲英语或读英语时,尤其是遇到长句时,适当的停顿很重要。停顿并非随心所欲读累了就停,而要根据意群(句子中构成相对独立完整的意思的语言单位)来停。 一般来说,段与段之间的停顿时间最长,其次是句与句之间的停顿,最后才是句子内部意群之间的停顿,例如:主语与分句或从句之间的停顿。句子内部意群之间的停顿,在下列情况下尤其突出: (9种) * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 Copyright * 1.主句与从句(定语从句、宾语从句等)之间 a. These are the robots of our dreams, intelligent machines ? that live to serve. b. And, the FBI confronts the most heavily armed militia ? that US law enforcement has ever faced. c. James Bond, the ultimate survivor knows very well ? that there are many ways to kill. * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 Copyright * 2. 条件状语、时间状语等分句与主句之间 a. All would be lost ? if not for the strength of one woman. b. Welcome to paradise. When you arrive here ? you’ll find a million secrets and as you explore it, you’ll find a million more. 3. 当后置定语较长时,其与所修饰的核心词之间 a. As we reveal the secret strategies ? of an FBI crisis negotiator, these stories are straight ahead on Best Kept Secrets. b. But for their variety of appearance, all dogs are simply mutations ? of their closet ancestral relative, the wolf. c. How does the FBI solve cases ? like the Oklahoma City Bombing? * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 Copyright * 4. 表时间、地点、距离、方式等的介词短语与句 子其他成分之间 a. The four hundred-year-old Hapsburg dynasty still commands most of Europe ? to the envy of her neighbours. b. Wolves had competed for prey ? with another group of hunters, complex communicators ? not unlike themselves. c. Her crew is plotting a course ? to one of the most notorious points in the north Atlantic, the site of Titanic disaster. * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 Copyright * 5. 表目的、伴随动作、原因、或结果的分词短语与句子其他成分之间 a. Perhaps the wolves were drawn in by the smell of meat ? cooking cover a fire, and into contract i


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