外研版高中英语必修二Module 2 No Drugs 话题回顾 课件.ppt

外研版高中英语必修二Module 2 No Drugs 话题回顾 课件.ppt

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Module 2 No Drugs First wealth is health. 健康是人生第一财富。 —— Emerson 爱默生 Please remember: What are they? They are poppy ( 罂粟 ) flowers. They can be made into different drugs. opium 鸦片 cannabis 大麻 heroin 海洛因 ecstasy 摇头丸 ice 冰毒 cocaine 可卡因 morphine 吗啡 Smoking Do you know how many people smoke in the world? 来自 187 个国家的数据显示, 1980 年 的吸烟的人数达到 7.21 亿,而 2012 年的吸 烟的人数增加到 9.67 亿。根据报告显示, 发展中国家是吸烟率最高的国家。尤其是 几个大的国家,包括孟加拉国,中国和俄 罗斯等被统计到近年越来越多的人民加入 到吸烟者的行列中。另外,一些国家如加 拿大,冰岛,挪威和墨西哥等,已经实现 了全民戒烟。 目前中国吸烟人数超过 3 亿,占世界 总吸烟人数的近 30% ,排名第一。 15 岁以 上人群吸烟率为 28.1% ; 7.4 亿非吸烟人群 遭受二手烟危害。在中国,农村人群吸烟 率比城市略高,教育程度越低,每天吸烟 量越高,男性医务人员的吸烟率高达 40% 。 烟草消费带来了沉重的疾病负担, 每年有 100 多万人死于吸烟相关疾病,约 10 万人死于二手烟暴露导致的相关疾病。 China — the worlds largest smoking population Why do you think people smoke cigarettes? Your friends or classmates smoke, which affects you. Most students feel fresh and stimulating. Smoking looks cool. Smoking is useful in social contact. Smoking can release the pressure, refresh oneself or divert oneself from boredom. Smoking is harmful to health. Can you list any harmful effects of smoking? Smoking causes fire. Smoking is a bad example to children. Smoking causes lung cancer. Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers. What are the two big diseases that you think are related to smoking? Lung disease Chances are they are lung cancer and emphysema ( 肺气肿 ), neither of which is the number one killer of smokers. Heart disease holds first place. Researchers report that worldwide, there were 1,690,000 premature deaths from cardiovascular ( 心脏血管的 ) disease among smokers in the year 2000. In contrast, there were “only” 850,000 lung cancer deaths from smoking in the same year. Do you think smoking should be banned? Do you know? Can you give them some advice on quitting smoking? Where to get advice on stopping smoking? Smoking means committing pr



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