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Lesson 4 What Is It? 【教学目标】 1. 能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇: eraser , guess , first  , wall  。 让学生了解并掌握一些有关学习用品介绍的词汇和句型。【教学重难点】 掌握一些与学习用品介绍有关的词汇:long , thin , write ,big , black , wall 。 激发学生兴趣,让学生学会介绍自己的学习用品。 掌握以下重点句子: Is it a ruler? You can write with it. It ’s on the wall.What is it? It ’s a blackboard! 【教学准备】 录音机、幻灯片、图片 ┃教学过程设计┃ 一、创设情境,切入主题 Step 1 : Lead-in Lead - in by discussing the following question What do you write and draw with ? Discuss in groups for three minutes.Then  let  : some students  present  their  answers in front of the class. 二、展开过程,探究新知 Step 2 : Listening Listen to the tape and know about the main points of the dialogue.At the same time  ,fill in the blanks with the words you hear 1.The pencil is________and________. 2.The blackboard is on the________. Finish the task in class orally. Step 3 : Reading Read the text and answer the following questions 1.What can we write with ? 2.What colour is the blackboard ? Read the text and finish the task in class orally. Step 4 : Practice  :  : Ask the students to make up a dialogue to introduce classroom objects themselves. Work in groups to finish the task.After a while , let some groups present their dialogues in front of the class. When the students are preparing , the teacher can walk around the classroom to solve the problems that probably happen. Step 5 : Come to“Let ’s Do It !” Listen to the tape and finish Exercise 1 together.Ask the students to finish Exercise 2 in groups. Ask the students to finish Exercise 3 by themselves.  by 三、布置作业 Finish Exercise 4 in  “ Let ’ s Do It  !”. 【板书设计】 Lesson 4 What Is It ? 1.Words : eraser , guess , first ,wall 2.Sentences : It ’ s long and thin. Is it a ruler? You can write with it. It ’ s big and black. 对爸爸的印象,从记事的时候,就有了,他留给我的印象就是沉默少言的,但是脸上却始终有微笑,不管家里遇到了什么样的困难,只要有爸爸在,一切都能够雨过天晴的,小时候,家里很 穷,可是作为孩子的我们(我和哥哥) ,却很幸福。爸爸从来不会因为缺钱,而让我们感觉得些许的拮据和紧张,哪怕的低三下气的问人借钱,爸爸都会按时给我们交了学费,从来都不会给我 们兄妹俩拖欠学费。爸爸闲下来的时候,就会给我和哥哥讲他们生活的那个年代,很苦很累,还经历过自然灾害,穷的时候,连饭都吃不饱。在我的印象里,最深的一件事情就是过年的时候,


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