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四会市四会中学 教师备课薄 年级 初一 科目 英语 教师 黄小雁 2013 ——2014 学年度第 一 学期 第 1 周 第 1(单元) 第 1 课时 2013 年 9 月 3 日 课题 To know English 课型 Speaking&Discussing 三维目标: 1. Make the students to know the importance of the English. 2. To stimulate the interest of learning English. 3.Make students to know each other. 教学重点:the importance of English 教学难点:arouse students’ interest in English 教学方法:Communicative approach 学生学法:pair work 教学过程: Step 1: Greeting. Introduce myself. Ask students to introduce themselves. Step 2: Presentation Use the computer; let the students know what English is Let students look at some pictures, get them guess what they are. Step 3: Discuss and read Divide the whole class into several groups. Make them write and discuss what’s in English in our life. Step 4: Team competition Get each team to write how to learn English. Help them to make a plan of English learning. Step 5: Summarization Teacher made a conclusion. Get the students know the importance of the English. 二次备课 Step1:Introduction 1.What’s your name? 2.Where are you from? 3.What’ your hobby? Step2:Discussion Get the students to talk in grounps. “Why do you learn English?” Step3 : Sum up Arouse the students to the importance of English. ‘What roles does English play in our life?’ Step4 Group work. How do you learn English? Get each team to write how to learn English. Help them to make a plan of English learning. Step5: Summarization Teacher made a conclusion. Get the students know the importance of the English. Help them to make a plan of English learning. 教 学 后 记 We should realize the students’ poorness of English. Get the students know the importance of the English. Arouse their interest to English. Make sure they work hard for it. Help the students to make a suitable plan of learning English. 要求:1、在原有集体备课要求的基础上,要进行二次备课。50岁以下的男教师和45岁以下的女教师统一采用电子备课的形式,教务处每月进行抽检。2、二次备课栏要求标记重点环节、重点问题;增加自己认为必要的教学内容、教学方法;改正原教案中的一些错误,根据实际修改原教案中不适应本班教学的教学方法;删除原教案中自己认为不必要的教学内容及环节,根据需要调换教学内容及教学环节的呈现形式,调整原教


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