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教学内容 学 目 重 点 点 教学方法 教学具准 教 学 程  That will be fun Module9 Unit2 That will be fun. 授 1.Be able to listen, read and write the key words: history, question. 2. Be able to use 3 different tenses well. 3.Be kind and be nice to our friends and family. 1.Be able to use 3 different tenses well. 2.Be kind and be nice to our friends and family. 任 型教学法、小 合作 tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt. Step1.Warm-up: Say the chant. Review 3 different tenses. Free talk. Weekend is coming. What will you do? Step2.Presentation: Look at the picture of Simon. Why is he very happy? Watch the video and find out the answer. If you are Simon, what will you do for Daming? 3. Read and find out “What did they do for Daming? ” Write and stick the key words on the board. 4. Learn the new words: history, question 5. Imagine: What will Simon and Daming do? They will ?. That will be fun! Listen and repeat. Retell the letter. Step3. Practice: Fill in the blanks. Describe the pictures. Talk about ourselves: What are we doing now? What did you do yesterday? What will you do tomorrow? 4. Mr. White is a foreigner. He will come to Pingdu. Let ’s find a home stay host for him. What will you do for him? Have a competition in 2 groups. 5. Write a letter to the foreigner and tell him what you did and what 1 板 书 设 计 教学回顾 / 反思、教后记  you will do. Sum-up: Be kind and be nice to our friends and family. Module 9 Unit 2 That will be fun! Now getting ready put another bed read a book ask questions bought new chopsticks borrowed a bike 珍惜眼前的学习机会,当你现在有机会学习各种经验时,一定要倍加珍惜。靠混日子是混不了一辈子的,许多过程都是不能省略的,至少学会这些经验可以让你少走很多弯路。每个人的选择 都是在自己力所能及的范围内做出的最优的选择,大部分人都是安全感的奴隶,当你觉得生活轻而易举,成就感爆棚时,很有可能你只是选择了基础难度,而在你的圈子外,还有很多很多比 你厉害几倍甚至几十倍的人,从一开始就是最高难度且现在比你财富多几十倍,甚至上百倍。你所谓的成功,也许只是他们眼中短暂歇脚的驿站。不要做温水里的青蛙,只有走出自己的心灵 舒适区,你的人生才真正开始 ! 快乐总和宽厚的人相伴,财富总与诚信的人相伴,聪明总与高尚的人相伴,魅力总与幽默的人相伴,健康总与阔达的人相伴。人生就有许多这样的奇迹,看似比 登天还难的事,有时轻而易举就可以做到,其中的差别就在于非凡的信念。影响我们人生的绝不仅仅是环境,其实是心态在控制个人的行动和思想。同时,心态也决定了一个人的视野和成就, 甚至一生。无论你觉得自己多么了不起,也永远有人比更强 ; 无论你觉得自己多么不幸,永远有人比你更不幸。也许有些



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