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如何打造更好的团队 团队建设之所以重要,是因为它能一件事甚至一个公司的成败。5个方法帮你打造更好的公司团队。接下来,小编给大家准备了如何打造更好的团队,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 如何打造更好的团队 Teams are what drives success. Startups, rock bands and sport teams: each one has the potential to rise or fall based on the group of people who share the same passion and goals and are working together to achieve success. I have had the fortune to be a part of several teams in both my professional and personal life, but only when I had a chance to be a part of a team building process did I finally understand the meaning of having a team where each member contributes their knowledge, personality and skills for the benefit of the whole. Here are some key factors that, in my opinion, make for a great team: 1. Make sure your team members are smarter than you. One of the most important things I realized while being a member of a team is that when I have the opportunity to build my own team, I will always reach out to people who I think are smarter than me. I always believed that in order to be the best, I need to learn from those who are better than me and make them my partners—my team. By surrounding yourselves with people who are smarter than you in areas you are less familiar with, you will ensure that your team will always move forward to achieve their goals. Even more importantly, it will allow the members of the team to learn from one another, improve their own skills and become better, and this is something every team needs. 2. Everyone should be a leader. I’m a great believer in decentralization of responsibilities. I used to think that hierarchy was a vital part of creating an organization, but I was wrong. Hierarchy, especially in small organizations, can suppress your team’s creativity and freedom to think and act. Think of the great Chicago Bulls: they had Michael Jordan, but what would have happened if the only guy who could make a decision on the court was Jordan himself? The Bulls and Jordan were the best because every team mem


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