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李尔王读后感英文版 这是一出感人的历史悲喜剧,情节紧凑,动人心弦,人 物的行事、对话、反应也都合乎逻辑。以下是 XX 为大家用 心搜集整理的李尔王读后感英文版,我们一起来学习学习吧 《李尔王》是莎士比亚四大悲剧中的一部,不过也确实 名副其实,读来使人神伤。 李尔王是声名显赫的大不列颠国王,生有三个女儿,于 是他决定将国土分赐给她们,以爱为考验。李尔王被大女儿 二女儿的甜言蜜语迷惑,而三女儿虽实话实说却被逐出本国, 有肯特来阻止,却无果,幸法兰西国王将其娶为妻,方止。 然而葛罗斯特也遇到了小儿子迫害大儿子的事,他也被蒙在 鼓里。之后发生的事才让李尔王认清两个白眼狼女儿的真面 目她们不赡养李尔王,对李尔王破口大骂,欲削减李尔王少 得微不足道的卫兵。他疯了,身边只剩下小丑、肯特、葛罗 斯特与埃德加, ( 其实是那个被害的大儿子,乔装扮成乞丐 ) 最后,小女儿让医生治好父亲,并班师攻打大不列颠。话说  ! 那两个歹毒的女儿, 为了争抢埃德蒙, 两败俱伤,双双损命。当大不列颠快回归了,小女儿于牢中被害,李尔王也随之死 去,跟随李尔王的肯特也忧郁而亡。 书中的李尔王虽有些糊涂,但也是人之常情,而且他知错回头。而两个女儿则无情无义,手足相残,唯利是图,忘恩负义。小女儿却十分孝敬,有情有义,令人称赞。其他忠 臣以肯特 代表,都使我分外感 。此 最后的 局十分悲 惨,孝魂忠魂俱去了,令人心 。 此 使我明白了 多道理:人不能自私自利,需得忠孝 两全,大气大度也不可或缺,如果犯 ,亡羊 牢 不晚 矣。有情有 才会有人称 ,忘恩 与禽 无异?? 《李 王》写得 在太棒了 ! 希望你 也去多多欣 的佳作。《李 王》令我至今 犹新。 The honey, the heart will mouth sword - king Lear feeling after reading King Lear about writing in 1605, originated from an Old English folk tales of the household, is one of Shakespeares four tragedies. The story is HunKui old putin-assertiveness and eyes, and the king Lear the land without knowledge to the older daughter LvGan hypocritical, GongNa daughter lisa, the honest good father wont please blunt the daughter to a particular li nepheline abroad. Emily nepheline were forced to runaway selection, and love her French king went to France. The king Lear oneself only ZunHao and 100 squire, ready to take home in two daughters lived an old lady. During the two oldest reach the target but true colours, the father, out of the house of the king Lear from displaced. Learn the miserable little Lear, war against two sisters, unfortunately failed, finally captured HanHen wrists, king Lear in sorrow and died in madness. Of course, the two bad daughter also sad fate. The old king Lear the confused false king, because of his vanity, hurt yourself more against the kind of innocent little lilys selection, in our opinion, he suffered the consequences of such consequences, is it is, again, to the old suffered such treatment should be his life the bitter fruit, the w


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