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A chorus of 异口同声地说 A decisive set 决胜局 A flight of imagination 异想 A flurry of interest 突然的兴致 A flurry of snow/wind 一小阵雪花 / 风 A gauge / yardstick to measure 衡量 的标准 A glowing face 红光满面 / 气色红润 A good-luck dumpling 大钱饺子 A grave insult 极大的羞辱 A gust of strong wind howls around. 强风咆哮 A hint of 的痕迹 / 一丝 A meager meal 简单的一餐 A mosaic / mixture of A new addition to the list of endangered species 进入濒危物种的行列 A prize of excellence 优秀奖 A relapse of glaucoma 青光眼复发 A riot of color 万紫千红 A thick growth of whiskers 大胡须 A wisp/thread of smoke 一缕烟 a world without inflections 千篇一律的世界 Abbot 住持 Accept sth. with resignation 随遇而安 / 逆来顺受 Achievements that shine through the ages 千秋伟业 / 不朽功 绩 Adam’ s apple喉结 Add to clamor 凑热闹 Advance / propose a standard 提出一个标准 Aerolite 陨石 Alienation of affection 情感疏远,爱情买卖 / 转让 all the more attractively 更美地 Almond 杏仁,杏核 amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life 在喧嚣的日子里 Anachronism 不合时代 Answer back 顶嘴 Answer with great readiness 欣然应答 Asgo,在 中 / 就 而言 Assume/take on a different look 另一番样子 At one go 一下子,一口气 at one ’ s brightest最亮 At that 而且是,偏偏是 At the end of one ’stether 极限 / 忍无可忍 Awaken to the fact that 恍然 大悟 Back out 打退堂鼓 Bamboo shoot 笋 Bamboo slip 竹签 Bamboo strip 竹条 Bang against the door 撞在门上  Barrel 高速运行 Be abuzz with excitement 乱糟糟 Be born before his time 生不逢时 be checkered with sunlight and shade 光影交错 Be conditioned/accustomed/used to sth. / doing sth. be covered/blocked from view/sight 看不见 Be dispersed by a wind 被风吹散 Be embellished with 用 装饰 Be fringed with 两边 装饰着 Be immensely amazed 十分惊讶 Be immune/exemp t from Be in everyday contact with 每天和 接触 Be in for 即 将遭受 Be in full bloom 烂漫 / 盛开 be in one ’ s possession属于某人 Be increasingly indebted 债台高筑 Be laden with leaves 洒满落叶 Be lined up with sb. 和某人同起同坐 Be listed under special protection 被列为特别保护对象 Be mounted on the throne 称王 Be one ’ s asset是某人的本钱 Be parched with thirst 十分干燥 Be praised to skies and worshipped like stars 被众星捧月般追捧 Be predisposed to / towards sth. 倾向于 Be preoccupied with 因 而担心


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