初中英语_鲁教版六年级上册Unit 4 My names Gina.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_鲁教版六年级上册Unit 4 My names Gina.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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PAGE 3 课堂学习设计 学科: 年级: 设计人: 设计时间: Unit 4 What time do you go to school?(Section A) 一·学习目标 1.知识目标 learn new words: usually forty early fifty work job station night learn and remember phrases: radio station get dressed brush teeth 2.能力目标 谈论日常作息的对话,熟练掌握各种时间的表达方法。 二·重点、难点 1.Scott has an interesting job . 2.He works at a radio station. 3.What time do you usually get up? 4.That is a funny time for breakfast. 三·自学指导及对应训练 (一).短语和句子 A: Preview the words and phrases 1.起床 2.去上学 __ 3.吃早餐__________________ 4.刷牙 5.穿上衣服 6.广播节目 ____ 7.广播电台 8.在晚上 9.洗淋浴____________________10.一份有趣的工作 B: Preview the sentences 1.他在一家广播电台工作。He works _____ _______ ______ _________. 2.你通常几点起床啊? What time do you usually ______ ________? 3.这个时间吃早饭很有意思。That’s a ________ ________ for ____________. 4.在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 At eleven o’clock, so I’m______ ________ _________ _________. 5.斯科特有一份有趣的工作。Scott has _____ __________ ___________. (二)、Presentation Step 1 Lead-in Show pictures on the PPT, ask them what time it is. Step2 Listening and speaking 1.Listen to 1b. Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures. 2.Listen to 2a. Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. 3.Listen to 2b. Complete the shower schedule for Jim’s family. Step3 Language points 1.brush teeth刷牙 brush在句中作动词,意为______,brush还可用作名词,意为________,其复数形式为_________. teeth是名词_________的复数形式,意为“______”类似的复数变化还有foot______, goose(鹅)__________ 对应训练: (1) 请刷刷你的鞋子。Please _______ your shoes. (2) 我有十把刷子。I have ten _________. (3) -How many____(tooth) does a dog have? -Sorry. I have no idea. Let’s search on the Internet. 2. get dressed 穿上衣服 表示“穿”的动作 be dressed in 意为“穿着”,后接颜色或衣服的名词 对应训练: (1) 这个小女孩会穿衣服。 The little girl can ______ __________. (2) 杰克身穿蓝白相间的衣服。 Jack ______ ________ _______blue and white. (3)( ) Our teacher_______blue


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