初中英语_Can you come to my birthday party 教学课件设计.ppt

初中英语_Can you come to my birthday party 教学课件设计.ppt

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Lets buy some food and drinks for Kiwi. We can also think of some games to play. Whats more, we should give her some gifts. We can wear beautiful dress. We will meet at the school gate and be at the party 10 minutes earlier. Thank you. I am so happy! Its a pity that I cant come. But I can sing a birthday song for Kiwi. I can help out with the party preparations, like planning the game. I can send her a birthday card and say Happy Birthday to her. Oh,its a pity! Thank you all the same. Reply to Kiwis invitation can/ cant Name What to do can Lyn She can buy her some food and drinks. Zizhao She will wear beautiful dress. Manners make the man.礼塑其人 Survey 小组调查 Reply to Kiwis invitation can/ cant Name What to do can’t Peng He can sing a birthday song. Xia He can help out with the party preparations. Survey 小组调查 My group _______ (can/cant)go to Kiwis birthday party. ______will ___________________________. _________________________________ . _________________________________ . ______________________________ . We hope Kiwi will have a great time. can Hu Sheng dress beautifully and bring some flowers Report 小组分享 1. Learn how to make, accept and refuse invitations. 学会如何发出、接受和拒绝邀请。 ---Can you ...? ---Sure, Id love to./ That sounds great. ---Sorry, Im afraid not. I must/have to... 2. Learn about the party manners in groups. 通过小组合作,学会关注派对礼仪。 3. Know the true meaning of birthday and be grateful to our parents. 通过探究,了解生日真正的涵义,学会感恩父母。 Today is a big day for me ! My daughter Kiwis birthday! Hi, I’m Kiwi. Can they come? How can we make an invitation? Questions How can we accept (接受)an invitation? How can we refuse (拒绝)an invitation? Hello, everybody! Can you come to my daughter Kiwis birthday party? That’s great! Lyn, Can you come? Sure, I’d love to. Wow, that sounds great. I’m afraid I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam. What about you?PL? Can t


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