人教pep版课本三年级起点小学六年级英语下册Where did you go3.ppt

人教pep版课本三年级起点小学六年级英语下册Where did you go3.ppt

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I hurt my foot. It was bad. Then, I ate yummy food. It was good. So, it was bad but good. PPT课件 * weibo 微博 PPT课件 * Discuss(4人小组讨论): Where were they? What happened? … PPT课件 * 听全文,标号三图 1 2 3 For Wu Yifan, was it a good day or bad day? Task 1 快速阅读,捕捉关键信息,给图片排序。 限时1分钟 PPT课件 * 1、 Wu Yifan’s family rode a bike in the evening. ( ) 2、Wu Yifan’s family took pictures of the beautiful city. ( ) 3、Wu Yifan’s family bought some gifts and ate some delicious food. ( ) Task 2 翻书听第一段,判断句子对错。 √ × × B A PPT课件 * What did Wu Yifan’ family do? in the morning: in the afternoon: rode a bike took pictures bought some gifts ate some delicious food Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. stayed in the hotel dressed up made a funny play Task 3 再次小声读全文,用波浪线划出所发生的事清。 PPT课件 * What happened to Wu Yifan’s family? in the morning: in the afternoon: Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. dressed up made a funny play stayed in the hotel rode a bike took pictures bought some gifts ate some delicious food Friday , April 23rd Was it a good day or bad day? It was a bad day but also a good day. PPT课件 * Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. First, it was a bad day, But what did we do then? We We We We We rode a bike. took pictures. bought some gifts. ate some delicious food. made a funny play. Today was a bad but good day for me. So it was also a good day. Mum PPT课件 * Homework 1、Read the diary. (读一读这篇日记) 2、Say something about your bad but good day with your friends, then write it down. (和你的朋友说一说你糟糕但又美好的一天) PPT课件 * 再 见 PPT课件 * laugh laughed clean cleaned stay stayed play played watch watched jump jumped hurt hurt sit sat ride rode go went fall fell eat ate have had buy bought lick licked (舔) (笑) PPT课件 * hurt hurt go went eat ate have had buy bought PPT课件 * my leg last year my arm last month an English class last Monday a PE class this morning ice-cream yesterday presents last night shopping last weekend ?



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