初中英语_Rethink Reuse Recycle教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Rethink Reuse Recycle教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Rethink, Reuse, Recycle! Learning objectives: 1.?Students can?predict?and?guess?the?main?idea?according to and pictures. 2.?Students?can?summary?the?main?idea by using the reading strategies?and? try to retell? the?passage?with?the?help?of?the mind?map. 3.?Students can realize the importance of protecting the earth and be more creative in daily life and try to make contributions to our environment. Teaching aids and methods: Aids: Blackboard, textbook. Methods: task-based questions, groupwork. Teaching procedure: Step1 Fast reading Read and match Para2 A. Bags made of old clothes Para3 B. Art pieces made of iron and other materials from old cars Para4 C.House built of rubbish Step 2 Careful Reading. Task 1 Read para 2and answer the questions. Who built the house? What did she use to build the house? Where do the windows and doors come from? What is the top of the house? What do you think of Amy? (设计意图:由问题引导,学生比较容易理解文本,得到重要信息,并且锻炼了学生组织问题以及口语表达能力。) Can you say something about Amy Hayes? (设计意图:运用mind map 来介绍人物经历,学生一目了然,思路清晰。)Task 2 Read para 3 and answer the questions. Where is Jessica Wong from? 2. What does she do at recycling? 3. How long has she been doing this? 4. How does she sell her bags? 5. What do you think of her bags? 6. What does she plan to do? Some areSome areTask 3 Read para 4 and learn about creative Wang Tao. Some are Some are Task 3 Read para 4 and learn about creative Wang Tao. Wang Tao ___ ____ a small business in Shanghai. He ___ ____ _____making beautiful art pieces. Some large pieces ___ ____ animals or humans. Some smaller pieces you can put at home. The more popular works____ _____ ____ in art shops. Wang Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” ____ _____ to show people ____ ____ _____ environmental protection. (设计意图:三个段落任务设计多样,能很好的引领学生理解文章并且锻炼学生组织问题以及口语表达能力。) Step 3. Summary Step 3. Summary (设计意图:总结再次用到mind map,文章脉络清晰。) Step 4. Exercise put to good use build… out of pull down (拆下) set up known for



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