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Learning Aims 1.学习连词的有关知识。 2.学习课文了解巨石阵的由来和用途。 Language points historical places communicate with point out medical purpose prevent illness be used for honor ancestors celebrate a victory a long period of time Kind 短语大集合 一种 很多种 各种各样的 不同种类的 有点 对某人、某物友好 a kind of many kinds of different kinds of all kinds of kind of be kind to sb/ sth medical 为形容词,医学的,医疗的, 其名词形式为________ Prevent illness prevent 意为,阻止,阻挠, prevent …from doing 阻止…做某事 keep…from doing stop…from doing medicine Mysteries about Stonehenge It must be almost 5000years old. Perhaps we might never know , but they have been hard-working- and great planners. Who built it ? When it was built? How it was built ? ? 1. a temple: communicating with the gods 3. have a medical purpose: can prevent illness and keep people healthy 2. a kind of calendar What Stonehenge might have been used for 4. A burial place or a place to honor ancestors 5. to celebrate a victory over an enemy 1. Midsummer day is in June _____ a lot of people go to Stonehenge during this month. 2. The sun shines straight into the center of Stonehenge _______ the stones were put in a special position. 2d Complete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a on page 22. so as 以一种特别的位置 3. Some people think the rocks can _________ stop people from becoming ill _________ keep them healthy. 4. We don’t know who built Stonehenge _____ how it was built. 5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; _____________, they are not sure. not only but also and however The Great Pyramids The Great Wall Maybe we will never know the answer, but we should still love the world and nature! * Section B Period 2 (2a — 3b) 1.Whose notebook is this? It ______be Ming’s. It has his name on it. 2.Whose French book is this? It ______be Tom’s. He studies French. must could Revision must/could 3. Whose guitar


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