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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 优秀的英文简历免费模板 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《优秀的英文简历免费模板》的内容,具体内容:一份优秀的英文简历是外企个人求职者在求职过程中的自我推销活动,下面是由我分享的,希望对你有用。(一)Personal Information:Name: xxx... 一份优秀的英文简历是外企个人求职者在求职过程中的自我推销活动,下面是由我分享的,希望对你有用。 (一) Personal Information: Name: xxx Professional: Financial Sex: Male graduate institutions: Xinjiang University Date of birth: August 7, 1981 Education: Undergraduate Place of origin: Kuqa County of Xinjiang time graduation: July 2005E-mail: Awards: 1. Two national first-class scholarship 2. Twice awarded the first scholarships for outstanding students 3. Miyoshi students model 4. Cadre of outstanding students 5. Xinjiang University and Xinjiang TVs "Macy to pump" program was awarded first place 6. Speech Contest was the first 7. Shenzhen - Xinjiang grants 8. Outstanding graduates Practice and experience: While studying at the school in China, banks, credit cooperatives in China, China Peoples Insurance Company of a teaching practice. In January 22, 2005 masters graduate students to participate in the National Examination. In the School of Economics and Management student work organized and participated in speech contests, quiz competitions, debates, activities such as English Corner. From the beginning of July 2005 Red Camel in Xinjiang Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager of competence, financial director, office director, production manager and so on. Skills summary: Chinese Proficiency: Able to carry out skilled listening, speaking, reading and writing. And China the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Medium A level (8). Computer level: Through the National Computer Rank Examination Grade II (VISUAL FOXPRO), and are familiar with WIN98, 2000 and other applications such as operating systems and Office software, is also familiar with the VF mastered programming languages. English level: A certain degree of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability,


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