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人教版 Book 9 Unit 2 单词释义(供复习用,无答案) Words Consolidation for Unit 2 _________________adj. heavenly; of the sky ________________n. imaginary line around the earth halfway between its North and South Poles 3. n. line at which the earth and sky appear to meet _________________prep. side by side with; beside __________________________ under the control of sb/ sth; in the power of sb/sth __________________vt. To make simple 7. n. act of mentioning; act of looking at for information _________________adj. difficult to use _________________adj. connected with ships or sailing _________________adj. at sea not far from land ________________adj. made or done without any plan ________________n. activity of exploring ________________n. long journey, esp. by sea or in space ________________adj. least or smallest 15. n. fault; defect 16. n. action of going away or leaving 17. n. organized journey or voyage with a particular aim ________________adj. that must be done; required by the rules, etc _______________n. change or changes made to a system or organization in order to improve it 20. n. fixed and regular way of doing things _______________adj. happening slowly _______________adj. light and that can be easily carried or moved 23. n. state of continuing to live 24. n. suffering or death from lack of food _______________vt .& vi. To make or produce a loud noise _______________n. conditions exiting when sth. happens 27. n. time before night 28. n. to calculate approximately; to guess 29. n. feeling of nervous anxiety, worry or pressue _______________adj. exact; accurate _______________adj. having the qualities of a magnet 32. n. either of the bone structures 33. n. difficult conditions of life 34. n. disadvantage; problem 35. _______________vi. To come down suddenly with a rushing movement 36. n. science or study of the mind and how it functions 37. 1 / 1


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