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第一节否定意义前缀 1?纯否定前缀 a an-, dis in-, ig-, il?,im?,ir-9 non-, un-: not a-/an-: symmetry A asymmetry sexual ? asexual theism A atheism pathetic ? apathetic social A asocial dis-: order order ? honest ? appear ?organized -? passionate disorder dishonest disappear disorganized dispassionate in-, ig 1 I-, im-,ir-: capaoie a lncapaoie sensitive ? insensitive noble A ignoble logical ? illogical moral ? immoral mortal ? immortal purity A impurity reversible A irreversible non-: existent ——? non existent stop ——A nonstop fiction —? nonfiction violent —A nonviolent un-: real —? unreal fortunate —A un fortunate specialized ——? unspecialized civilizededucated civilizededucated uneducated ??? in-/un- Unapt=inapt Unrcligious=irrcligious Unexpressive=inexpressive Inexpressible Unpractical=impractical Impracticable 通常不用在贬义词前 Kind un kind Worthy unworthy Foolish clever Ugly bcautifiil Bad good |2. |in-/im-开头的字用un■否定 unimportant uninhabitable 〔3. |后缀?ate, -ent, -ant, -ite, -ible 的单词,多用 in■否定 Inadequate irrelevant in dependent indefinite indefensible |4.后缀?ablc, -cd, -ful, -ing, -ory, -some 的单词,多用 un■否定 Unable undecided unsuccessful unceasing unsatisfactory Special examples: Unlike dislike Unmoral immoral amoral Uncomfortable discomfort un-2.倒转意义前缀 reversing prefix: de-, dis-, un- De-: to remove, to reverse the effect of an action Frost ? defrost Celer (stem) —? decelerate Centralize ? decentralize Fend ? defend Compose ? decompose Code ? decode Dis-: to reverse, to remove Courage ? discourage Connect ? disc onn ect Arm ? disarm Organize ? disorganize Proof ? disproof Un-: to reverse some action or state HookFoldFastenLock Hook Fold Fasten Lock Load Wrapsay Anti-/ant-:Pathos thesis war arctic body biotic abortionantipathy antithesis antiwar Antarctic antibody antibiotic antiabortion3? 反对前缀 anti-, contra-, counter-, ob-:against, opposite to Anti-/ant-:Pathos thesis war arctic body biotic abortion antipathy antithesis antiwar Antarctic antibody antibiotic antiabortion co


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