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姓 名 单 位 课题名称 课型名称 金 珍 金东区实验小学 Family 词汇教学 教 学 内 容: PEP Primary English Book3 Unit6 Part A Let’s learn and group work 设 计 思 路: 以歌曲和Chant的热身运动开始,为学生营造了一个良好的英语学习氛围. 以hangman. Guess等游戏的形式引出本课的新授词,用Chant的形式来巩固新授的词语和复习学过句型.在新词的引出和练习中都贯穿了三年级下册和四上前面的内容,让学生在整堂课中把新旧知识融会贯通. 教 学 目 标: Be able to grasp the words: family. Parents. Uncle. Aunt. Baby brother. Be able to introduce family members. Be able to describe family members. 重 点 难 点: Be able to introduce and describe family members. 板 书 设 计: Family tree Parents Uncle father mother aunt Baby brother me sister 教学程序安排 学生活动安排 设计意图说明 Step1 warming-up and revision Sing a song: father and mother B. Chant Tall tall tall make yourself tall. short short shortmake yourself short. big big big make your eyes big. small small smallmake your eyes small. long long long make your arms long. short short shor make your arms short. 以曲调优美的歌曲进行热身,师生同唱. 利用节奏感强的Chant,让学生唱唱,做做,复习了以前学的形容词. 通过歌曲复习了三年级所学的词汇, 既活跃了课堂气氛,又复习了father.和mother,也拉近了师生之间的距离. 通过chant的热身,让学生的大脑得到激发,复习了形容词,为下面的内容(如何描述)做了铺垫. . Step2 presentation and practise A: Game: hangman Father and mother I love you. (请在这句话中猜出一个单词 ) 引出单词: family (把词贴在黑板上的family tree上) B: 课件出示 my family T: Look, this is my family. How many people in my family? T: How many people in your family ? Ss: guess Ss: seven Ss回答 用hangman的游戏自然引出本课新词family,这样的引入方法能让学生的记忆更加深刻. 复习了How many的句型. C: guess T: look at the picture, listen carefully, guess: who is he/she? T: he is tall. he is thin. He has big eyes. He likes football. T: No. T: Yes, this is my uncle.引出新单词uncle (贴在family tree 上) Uncle is your father’s or mother’s brother. Ss: Is that your father? Ss: Point. 通过听老师的描述猜测,锻炼了学生的听力.学会了新单词.无形之中也复习了如何用简单的语言描述一个人. D: describe T: Can you describe her?(point to aunt) T: Good. She is my aunt.引出单词aunt.(贴在family tree 上) Aunt is your father’s or mother’s sister. Ss: she is short . she is thin. She has long hair. She has small eyes and big nose. 让学生运用自己所学的知识来描述新课中的aunt. E: Look at my family again. 整


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