
教学课件 商务英语阅读(下册)(第三版)国晓立.ppt

教学课件 商务英语阅读(下册)(第三版)国晓立.ppt

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n. a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. 信赖,认可 accredit v. to ascribe or attribute to (usually fol. by with): 归于 e.g. He was accredited with having said it. 都认为他说过。 v. to certify 保证,证明 Language points accreditation UP PREV. NEXT non-government organizations 是指在特定法律系统下,不被视为政府部门的协会、社团、基金会、慈善信托、非营利公司或其他法人,不以营利为目的的非政府组织。NGO在全球范围的兴起始于20世纪80年代。NGO不是政府,不靠权力驱动;也不是经济体,尤其不靠经济利益驱动。NGO的原动力是志愿精神。如:the World Conservation Union (IUCN)世界自然保护联盟;Greenpeace绿色和平;Institute of International Education国际教育协会;Hong Kong Red Cross香港红十字会;Li Ka Shing Foundation李 嘉 诚 基 金 会;Children In Crisis危机中的儿童。 Language points NGOs UP PREV. NEXT adj. autochthonous, aboriginal, natural, native 本土的,天生的 e.g. the indigenous peoples of southern Africa 南非原住民 Language points indigenous UP PREV. NEXT 国际货币基金组织,是政府间国际金融组织。1945年12月27日正式成立。1947年3月1日开始工作,1947年11月15日成为联合国的专门机构,在经营上有其独立性。总部设在华盛顿。截至2007年1月有成员185个 。该组织宗旨是通过一个常设机构来促进国际货币合作,为国际货币问题的磋商和协作提供方法。 Language points the International Monetary Fund (IMF) UP PREV. NEXT 减贫战略 帮助最贫困的人民和最贫穷的国家,提高他们的自我生存和发展能力,消除绝对贫困,全世界共同发展,共同繁荣。 Language points Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) UP PREV. NEXT I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 5. What was impossible in the pre-Internet era? Typing a few words in an internet search and finding the lowest cost producer for almost anything in the world. Reference 1.( ) The US will never lose its leadership role in the world economy. 2.( ) Most Asian countries don’t need to import TVs, radios, phones, cars and the like from the US since they can import them from China and India. 3. ( ) Over capacity can help develop the world economy. 4. ( ) Companies can freely get workers from the world without any regards to geography. 5. ( ) It’s a borderless world now where goods and services flow freely, the old protectionist rules cannot do anything about it. II. Determine whether each of the following statem


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