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基于Chord网的语义Web Service发现* 吴万明,吴毅坚,赵文耘 (复旦大学计算机科学与工程系 软件工程实验室,上海 200433) E-mail :052021142@, wuyijian@, wyzhao@ 摘 要: 随着 Web Service 数目的急剧增长和对实时性需求的增加,集中式的服务发现机制已难以满足需 求。分布式的服务发现机制由于其没有单点失败性及扩展性强的特点,越来越受到关注。提出一个实用、高 效、可扩展的新型语义Web Service发现模型,将集中式的服务注册和服务发现机制分散到分布式网络结构 中的各个注册节点,并引入本体概念组和服务特征向量概念。首先对服务语义本体分组,然后将服务描述和 服务查询映射为服务特征向量进行匹配,从而提高了服务发现的效率和准确性。 关键词: 语义 web service ;web service 发现;peer-to-peer ;chord ;本体 中图分类号: TP311 文献标识码:A Chord-based Semantic Web Service Discovery WU Wan-ming ,WU Yi-jian ,ZHAO Wen-yun (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China ) Abstract : Current web service discovery mechanism requires replication of all web service publications all registries .Large growth in number of Web services as well as the growth in the number of registries makes this replication impractical .Distributed web services discovery mechanism is put forward for its distribution and scalability. We introduced an approach for semantic discovery of web services in Chord-based registries. We use the structured peer to peer overlays as the service repository network, and we distribute semantic service advertisements among available registries such that it is possible to quickly identify the repositories containing the probable matching service. After advertising we propose the conception of Concept Group and Service Characteristic Vector to implement a scalable, efficient and reliable service discovery framework. Keywords: semantic web service; web service discovery; peer-to-peer; chord; ontology 收稿日期:2007-09-10;修回日期:2008-02-26 基金项目:国家自然科学基金60473062)、国家 863 计划(2005AA113120)资助 1 引言 那么数据分布式查找问题就容易解决了。Chord 采用了相容 散列(Consistent Hashing) 的一种变体计算方法为节点分配 典型的 Web Servic


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