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PAT考试数学部分例题 PAT 考试数学部分例题 PAT 数学题型主要有: Number and operations: 数字和运算 Algebra and functions :代数和函数 Geometry and measurement :几何和测量 Data analysis, statistics and probability: 数据分析,统计和概率 做题策略: 关键是在于平时的数学题目的训练。要通过练习了解题型。一般能够讲高中所学的数学知识运用好就足以解决问题了。 所以不用心理上存在畏惧。 做题的关键是能够阅读题目。在单词记忆的时候,要着重背一些数学名词等相关的词汇。 至于上面提到的 4 中类型的题目,需要在平时的训练中各个击破。在你看懂了题目要求以后,就按照高考的时候做数学 题那么解决就行了。而 PAT 的数学远远没有高考题目那么复杂。 1. Of the following, which is greater than ? ? A. 2/5 B. 4/7 C. 4/9 D. 5/11 E. 6/13 If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour? A. 30 B. 300 C. 720 D. 1800 E. 18000 What is the average (arithmetic mean) of all the multiples of ten from 10 to 190 inclusive? A. 90 B. 95 C. 100 D. 105 E. 110 A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long? A. 48 B. 32 C. 24 D. 18 E. 12 In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German and 9 students are taking both French and German. How many students are not enrolled in either course? A. 6 B. 15 C. 24 D. 33 E. 54 If f(x) = │(x 2 – 50) │, what is the value of f(-5) ? A. 75 B. 25 C. 0 D. -25 E. -75 ( √2 - √3 ) 2 = A. 5 - 2 √6 B. 5 - √6 C. 1 - 2 √6 D. 1 - √2 E. 1 Amy has to visit towns B and C in any order. The roads connecting these towns with her home are shown on the diagram. How many different routes can she take starting from A and returning to A, going through both B and C (but not more than once through each) and not travelling any road twice on the same trip? A. 10 B. 8 C. 6 D. 4 E. 2 Helpers are needed to prepare for the fete. Each helper can make either 2 large cakes or 35 small cakes per hour. The kitchen is available for 3 hours and 20 large cakes and 700 small cakes are needed. How many helpers are required? A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25 E. 30 Jos collection contains US, Indian and British stamps. If the ratio of US to Indian stamps is 5 to 2 and the ratio of Indian to British stamps is 5 to 1, what is the ratio o


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