风中奇缘 Pocahontas 中英文剧本.doc

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风中奇缘 Pocahontas 中英文剧本 In Sixteen Hundred Seven1607年 We sailed the open sea我们航行在广阔的大海上 for glory, God, and gold 为了荣耀, 为了主, 为了金子 And the Vingiria Company还有维吉尼亚公司 for the New Worldis like heaven 也为了天堂一般的新世界 And well all berich and free我们将会富有和自由 On so we have been told就像维吉尼亚公司 By the Vingiria Company告诉我们的那样 So we have been told就像维吉尼亚公司 By the Vingiria Company告诉我们的那样 [Chorus humming][齐声哼唱] [Background chatter][动物叫声] [Baby crying][小孩哭声] for glory, God, and gold 为了荣耀, 为了主, 为了金子 And the Vingiria Company还有维吉尼亚公司 -Ready to hoist the cannon ?-Aye! -准备好吊起加农炮了吗?-恩! Hey, look, ls that Smith?嗨, 看, 那是Smith吗? Thats him, all right,The old sea dog, 就是他, 没错那个老练的水手 Captain John Smith?John Smith船长? lve heardsome amazing stories about him, 我听说过很多关于他的惊险故事 Are you comingon this voyage, too? 你也参加这次航行吗? Course he is, you half-wit!显然, 你个笨蛋! You cant fight lndianswithout John Smith! 没有John Smith, 你别想和印第安人打交道! Thats right,没错 lm not about to let you boyshave all the fun, 我可不想让你们这些小孩去独享航行的乐趣 On the beaches of Vinginny在Virginny的海岸 Thenes diamondslike debris有石块大的钻石 Thenessilver rivers flowing 有银子做的河流在流淌 Gold you picknight off a tnee金子在树上采撷 With a nugget for my Winnie一块送给我亲爱的 And another one for me另一块留给自己 And all the restll go然后剩下的全部归于 To the Vingiria Company维吉尼亚公司 Its glory, God, and gold 这是荣耀, 这是主, 这是金子 And the Vingiria Company也是维吉尼亚公司 [Thunder and dramatic music][雷声和戏剧音乐] [Men shouting][男人喊声] SAILOR:Full anchon nelease! 水手:抛下所有的锚! [Men grunting][男声咕哝] Come on, lads! Come on!加油, 伙计们! 加油! Give me a hand, someone!谁, 来帮帮我! W atch out当心 [Men shouting] [男人喊声] Faster!Shes taking on more water! 快点!更多水涌进来了! Look out! Aah!当心! 啊! [Creak, snap][吱吱声, 绳索断开] John! Get down here!John! 快点过来! The cannons are breaking loose! 加农炮挣脱下来了! -Reef the topsails!-Aye, sir! -把帆收起来!-是的, 先生! Steady on your course!稳住! lts all right, Thomas!Well get her tied off, 很好, Thomas!我们来将它绑好 Say your prayers, lads!祈祷吧, 伙计们! Look out! Aah!当心! 啊! -Oh!-No!-哦!-不! Thomas, watch o--Thomas, 当心... Help!救命! Man overboard!有人落水了! Help!救命! BEN


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