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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 浅析酒店员工流失的问题及实施对策 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业:工商管理(旅游与酒店管理方向) 所在系 管理系 指导教师: 浅析酒店员工流失的问题及实施对策 摘要 纵观屮国的酒店业,员工流失率远远高于其他行业,且高流失率竟成为了一种常态。 这直接导致酒店的服务质量下降,人力资源成本的提高,员工队伍的不稳定,团队士气 低下。通过对广州花园酒店宴会部员工流失情况的调查,本文根据主客观原因分析得出 酒店管理制度不完善、薪酬福利待遇低、劳动强度大、员工身体条件不能适应工作等一 系列问题。依据屮国的实际情况和符合屮国人性格特征,结合国外有效的管理经验和理 论,本文提出端正员工对酒店业的态度、提高员工薪酬福利水平、实施人性化管理、引 入员工帮助计划(EAP)。H的旨在控制人员的频繁流失,提高员工的满意度,留住核 心人才,促进酒店内部人员的内循环。 关键词:酒店;员工流失;措施 ANALYZE THE PROBLEM OF THE HOSPITALITY STAFF TURNOVER AND IMPLEMENT THE STRATEGIES ABSTRACT Looking at Chinas hospitality, employee turnover rate is much higher than other industries and the high turnover rate for normalization. This led directly to decline the hotefs service quality, raise the cost of human resources, make staff unsteady and low team morale. Through the survey staff turnover for the Banquet Department of the Garden Hotel Guangzhou, this paper obtained that hotel management system is imperfect, salaries and benefits are lower than other industries, labor intensity are over on average, staff can not be suitable to do higher work force by the physical conditions and any other issues according to analyze the hotel and staffs reasons. Based on Chinas actual situation and meet the Chinese character traits, this paper combined with effective management of foreign experience and theory, correct the attitude of the staff for the hotel industry, enhance the level of staff salaries and benefits, implement the human management strategy and the introduce in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The purpose is that the turnover rate can be controlled, employee satisfaction is improved and key talent is retained, so that it promotes internal staff in the hotel cycle. Key word: hospitality; staff turnover; strategy TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark101 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark121」问题的提出及研究的意义 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark141.2国内外研究的历史、现状 I HYPERLINK \l bookmark162酒店员工流失的原因分析 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark182」酒店方面造成员工流失的原因 4 2.1.1酒店管理制度不完善 4 2.1.2 薪酬水平偏


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