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目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘要 2 关键词 2 Abstract 2 Key words 引言 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8科技产品研发 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark62」科技产品研发过稈 4 2.2科技产品研发的影响因素 2.2科技产品研发的影响因素 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark182.3科技研发产品推广现状 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark20科技产品市场特点 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark24市场营销相关 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark264」市场营销定义 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark284.2市场营销的意义 9 HYPERLINK \l bookmark30科技产品研发新策略 10 HYPERLINK \l bookmark325」供应商参与新产品研发过稈 10 HYPERLINK \l bookmark345.2“强强”联手研发 10 HYPERLINK \l bookmark36科技产品营销新策略 11 HYPERLINK \l bookmark386」要有市场营销新观念 11 HYPERLINK \l bookmark406.2注重科技产品形象 12 136.3科技产品体验营销——现场秀 13 浅析科技产品研发与市场营销策略 摘要:口屮国加入忙界贸易组织以来,全国经济快速发展,科技的创新在其 屮有着不可替代的作用。我国的科技产品研发水平相对于世界先进水平还有很大 的一段距离,血且科研产品产业化程度并不高。随着科技产品全球化加剧竞争, 快速变化的技术与市场导致科技产詁生命周期越来越短,因此,加大科技研发的 力度,努力做到快速、成功的产品研发与制定优良、合适的市场营销策略成为企 业致胜与获取竞争优势的必然选择。本文在阐述我国科技产品研发现状的基础上, 根据研发产品推广的现实状况,分析科技产品的市场特点,然后再根据市场营销 的理论知识,理论联系实际,对我国科技产品研发与市场营销策略提出一些建议, 为我国的科技产业发展提供参考。 关键词:科技产甜、研发、市场、营销策略 Abstract: Since China joined to the World Trade Organization, the economic developed rapidly, of course science and technology play an irreplaceable role. Our countrys level of science and technology R D is much lower than the worlds advanced level, and the industrialization of scientific research and products is not high. Globalization of economy intensifies competition, while the changing technology and market shorten lifecycles of products. Therefore, increase R D efforts and develop a rapid and successful research of new product, and formulate a superior and appropriate marketing strategies is becoming an inevitable choice for enterprises to win the competition and obtain competitive edge. This paper presents the status of our countrys development of scientific and technological products of R D, according to the promotion of the reality of R D products, then it analyzes the characteristics of the technology products9 market o And according to the theory of marketing knowledge, theory is always with practice. Finally,


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