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北京化工大学北方学院 2013届毕业生灵活就业登记表 二级学院: 编号: 毕 业 生 情 况 姓名 性别 出生年月 民族 学制 政治面貌 生源地 专业 联系电话 E-mail 用 人 单 位 情 况 单位名称 联系人 联系电话 单位地址 邮编 工作岗位 用 人 单 位 及 本 人 意 见 用人单位意见(签章): 年 月曰 毕业生意见(签字): 年 月曰 声明: 1:此表只为掌握毕业生灵活就业实际情况,不代替就业协议书或劳动合同,不具 有法律效力。 2 :本着诚信原则,毕业生和用人单位应如实填写。 3 :此表一式两份,学校和省人事厅各执一份。 When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your mome nts of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face; And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. The furthest dista nee in the world Is not betwee n life and death But whe n I sta nd in front of you Yet you dont know that I love you. The furthest dista nee in the world Is not whe n I sta nd in front of you Yet you cant see my love But whe n un doubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together. The furthest dista nee in the world Is not being apart while being in love But whe n I pla inly cannot resist the year ning Yet prete nding you have n ever bee n in my heart. The furthest dista nee in the world Is not struggli ng aga inst the tides But using on es in differe nt heart To dig an un erossable river For the one who loves you.


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