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0/1 0/1 某城域网的路由方案设计 摘要 IP城域网是城域网的发展趋势,路山设讣则是IP城域网设计中的最重要 的部分.路山设计的规划妥当与否直接影响到整个城域网的可靠性及效率. 本文对一个存在的IP城域网进行路山设计和优化。我们首先从城域网的 拓扑开始,通过对OSPF和BGP4以及静态路山、默认路由这儿种不同路山协 议的分析,选择合适的路由方式?在设计城域网内部路由使用OSPF动态路由 选择协议和静态路由相结合的方案。通过OSPF协议和静态路由在城域网内 部对内外网流量进行有效路山。使用BGP路山协议与城域网外部设备交换路 山信息。对城域网各个层次和部分进行细致的设计,在不同层次和部分实施不 同的策略,并在城域网设备上实施最适合的路山配置,通过合适的路山配置,达 到控制流量转发路径,快速进行主备链路切换,以实现更高的可幕性和可扩展 性.通过论文掌握对一个网络分析的基本方法,深入了解两种路山协议的特性。 关键词:城域网,路山设计,开放式最短路径优先算法 R outin g D e si g n of a Met r opo 1 i tan Area N e two r k A b s tract The d e velopme n t trend o f M AN is IP M AN, and routing desi g n i s on e of t he m o st i m p o rt a n t part s of the d e sign o f a MAN? R o u t in g p r oper 1 y des i gn e d or not h ave a direct impact on th e r e 1 iabilit y and e f fi c iency o f th e en t i re metrop o lita n a rea net w ork? In t h is pap e r w e design and optimize rou t e of a ex i stence IP MA N? Firstly We start from t h e topo 1 ogy of MAN, by ana 1 yzi n g OSP F a n d BGP4 ,sta t ic route ?defaul t rou t e t h e se differen t kinds of r o ut i n g p r otocols,and cho o se the s uitable r o uti n g mode? In p a p e r OSPF d y n a mi c routin g proto c ol a nd c o mbine with sta t ic rou t e is in desi g n i ng int e rior ro u t e of t he M A N , thro u g h 0 S P F pr o t o col and stat i c r ou t in g r out e intr a -dom a i n and int e r - d o m a in t raffic s eff i c i ently w h ich inside the MAN, a nd t h e prot o c ol which exc han g in g ro u t i ng info r ma t io n wit h the o u t s i de d e v i ce o f the MAN i s B GP.In p r o j e ct for all 1 a yers and parts of the MAN we do painstaki n g design.and impl e ment the different po I icy i n differe n t lay e rs and p arts of the MAN, in this MAN we put the most suita b le c o n figu r ation int o p r ac t i ce.Becau s e of it, the MAN can re a 1 i z e contr o 1 tr a ffic f o r w a rd in g p a th, and fas t s witc h i n g TOC \o 1-5 \h \z b e tween t he m a in and t h e s t a nd b y 1 i nk when t h e m a i n li n k was f a i 1


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