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心理学:09演变,情感与理性:爱Love ( 一) Lecture 9 - Evoluti on, Emoti on, and Reas on: Love (Guest Lecture by Professor Peter Salovey) Overview: Guest lecturer Peter Salovey, Professor of Psychology and Dean of Yale College, in troduces stude nts to the dominant psychological theories of love and attract ion. Specific topics include the different types of love, the circumstances that predict attract ion, and the situati ons where people mistake nly attribute arousal for love. Readi ng assig nment: Gray, Peter. Psychology (5th editio n), pp. 456-458 演讲文本 In troduct ion to Psychology: Lecture 9 Tran script February 14, 2007 Professor Paul Bloom: Im delighted to introduce the first guest lecturer for this Introduction to Psychology course, Dean Peter Salovey. Peter is an old friend and colleague. Many of you--l think everybody here knows of him through his role as Dea n of Yale College. Ill just, i n this con text of this introduction, mention two other things about him. One is prior to being dean and in fact, still as a dean, hes an active scientist and in particular, a social psychologist actively involved in study ing health psychology, the proper use of psychological methods to frame health messages, and also is the foun der and developer of the idea of emoti onal in tellige nee, an idea hes done a huge amount of research on. Secon dly, Peter is or was an active and extremely well-k nown teacher at Yale College. He taught at one point, the largest course ever in Yale College -a course on Psychology in Law which broke every record ever had here. And before that, duri ng that, and after that, he was a lege ndary In troduct ion to Psychology teacher. And I thin k--a nd he had some reas on for why he was so lege ndary with his lecture today on the topic of love. [applause] Dea n Peter Salovey: Thanks very much. Okay. Tha nk you very much, Professor Bloom. It really is a pleasure to come and lecture to you today on Vale nti nes Day on the topic of love. My main area of research is hu


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