小学英语_Unit4 At the farm A lets talk教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_Unit4 At the farm A lets talk教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 Step1 Preparation Greeting: T:OK! .Hello! Boys and girls! I’m Ashley! Nice to meet you! Ss:….Today we have two new friends,Sarah and Mike. Let’s welcome! Ss:Welcome!(鼓掌) 2. Review fruits: T:Yesterday I received an e-mail from MacDonald ’s farm. He wants to give us a tour.Here it is .(呈现邀请函)This is an invitation from MacDonald ’s farm.Would you like to go to the farm? Ss:Yes! T:Now let’s imagine :What’s on MacDonald ’s farm? Ss:Apples.T:What colour are they? Ss: Red.Anything else? There are many animals, fruits and vegetables.Now let’s have a look!Are you ready? Ss:Yes! (设计意图:课前歌曲热身,创设farm氛围,同时通过视频引入今天的大情境——参观farm。进入农场,先整体感知农场的三个区域:animals,fruits,vegetables,为后面的拓展活动做了铺垫,接着很自然的复习水果。) Step2 Presentation 1.整体感知文本, 理解文本大意, 并处理carrots. (PPT)T: MacDonald’s farm is big and nice.You should not run away!Look, Our friends Sarah and Mike are missing!Where are Sarah and Mike?Ss:他们在麦当劳农场里面。Here they are!They are at the farm. They’re talking with MacDonald .What are they talking about? Now let’s look at the picture and choose.课间呈现问题和图片。T: OK, boys and girls. What are they talking about? Fruits vegetables animals (设计意图:通过听音选图,整体感知文本,了解对话大意。) 2.分层处理文本,通过分层听,获取对话细节信息,学习核心句型。 A. 听图1,学习Are these…?Yes, they are. (1)T: Sarah and Mike are talking about some vegetables .Look!(教师拿起图片) Do you know?(PPT)Are these carrots? Let’s watch and find the answer. 课件呈现问题:Are these carrots? 放视频 Ss: Yes, they are. T:They are carrots.I have a carrot,too.Read after me.,Please. 一个学生,一个组,全部的学生。Look at me!I have four carrots! Now can you read it? 找一个 Ss: Are these carrots?教师教读,学生开火车。What’s the answer。Ss: Yes, they are.句型贴于板书 (2)T: Have you got it? Answer: Are these carrots?指着图片和学生的英语课本 Ss: Yes, they are./No.they aren’t. T: 引导说完整的答语 Wonderful! (3)Chant: T: Boys and girls.I know you can read it well.But can you sing it? Are these carrots? Are these carrots? Yes, they are. Yes, they are. 两遍:第一遍引导学生由小声到大声的哼唱,第二遍起身s


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