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题目: 算术编码算法及其应用 学 院 信息科学与工程学院 专 业 电子信息工程 年 级 2009 级 学 号 0915212003 姓 名 指导老师 2013年05月 在现今的电子信息技术领域,由于需要处理的数字化的信息(尤其是多媒体信息)通 常会特别庞大,如果不对其进行有效床缩就难以得到实际应用,数据压缩的Fl的即是通过 有效减少数据?文件的冗余信息而使数据?文件可以以更快的速度传输或在更少的空间储存。 因此数据压缩技术已成为当今数字通信、存储和多媒体娱乐的一项关键的共性技术。 本文由香农爛理论和统计编码的原理开始,逐步展开对基于算术编码的数据、图像压 缩的研究与应用的讨论:从算术编码的产生条件、原理、以及研究算术编码的H的意义等, 到具体算术编码方案的分析比较以及其MATLAB语言的实现方案,有重点的对算术编码的 编码过程进行了分析和阐述。 最后通过对算术算法特点和应用方向的研究,阐明其编码原理及其在图像、数据压缩 领域不可取代的地位及在处理流片段数据所具有的在压缩比和灵活性方面的优势,展示岀 算术编码的强大生命力和独特优势。利用MATLAB软件对仿真程序进行了调试,验证算术 编码对数据压缩的可行性。利用Visual C++软件进行仿真,应用自适应算术编码压缩图像, 验证了口适应算术编码压缩图像的可行性。 关键词:算术编码算法;图像、数据圧缩;MATLAB仿真 ABSTRACT Nowadays, as the digital information (especially the multimedia information) becomes more voluminous in the telegraphy field, the information should be compressed availably, the purpose of data compression is by effectively reducing the redundant information data file and data file to speed faster transmission or storage in less space. Therefore, the data compression technology has become a key common technology in the digital communication, storage and multimedia entertainment. From Shannon entropy theory and the statistics coding theory, this paper sets forth the research and application of the data compression which based on Arithmetic Coding, including the arithmetic coding producing conditions,the theory, and research the having conditions and the purpose of arithmetic coding and then the research of the specific implementation plan with MATLAB language of arithmetic coding. Against the point of arithmetic coding, this paper analysis and expounds its coding process about it. Finally, through the study of arithmetic algorithm characteristics and application direction, advantage and clarify the position can not be replaced in the image, data compression field and in terms of the compression ratio and flexibility in dealing with data stream segments, showing a strong vitality and unique advantage of arithmetic coding. The simulation program was debugged using MATLAB softwar


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