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PAGE 2 初中英语拓展课教案模板 初中英语拓展课教案1 教学目标: 1、语言目标(Language skills) 巩固和强化上节课的知识: can I have ? Yes, you can./ No, you can t. 能在图片的提示下听懂、认读、说出新单词:computer game、jipsaw puzzel、careful、fix,并懂得其意。 学会表达某人拥有某物的功能句型“I’ve got 。 He’s got。 She’s got。 It’s got。”来进行交流。 2、 技能目标(Objectives of skills) 学会运用have got 表述拥有某物 3、情感目标(Objectives of emotion and attitude) 让学生通过自由对话交流自己拥有的东西,达到让其开口说英语的目的,从而激发他们学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情。 重点难点: 能正确拼读新单词:computer game、jipsaw puzzel、careful、fix; 理解本课句型:I have got。 并能够运用此句型和别人交流自己拥有的东西。 教学过程: Step1、Warming up: Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls! S: Hello, teacher! T: How are you, today? S: Fine, thank you. T:What’s the weather like today? S:It’s sunny day. 设计意图:以简单轻松的问候进入一个比较愉悦的课堂教学。 Step 2、Lead-in: 老师指自己的物品,如课本、衣服等问。 T:what’s this ? S:This is a book;This is a coat. T:This is my book. I’ve got a book. This is my coat. I’ve got a coat. (板书并做动作让学生理解意思I’ve got ) 让学生运用 I’ve got——像老师一样描述自己拥有的东西。 T:Now,I want you do the action like me. 设计意图:通过老师演示,学生模仿操练,从而让学生更深刻的理解句型的意思,以此达到巩固句型的目的。 Step 3、Presentation: 1、(PPT出示课文图)T:Now Daming and Sam are playing together, 想不想知道:What have they got? What does Daming got? What does Sam got? (放第一遍录音) S:Sam says: I’ve got a kite. Daming says: I’ve got a computer game. 2、老师拿出一个游戏机:I’ve got a computer game。 T:Computer game,computer game.I have got a camputer game. Ss:Computer game,computer game.I have got a camputer game. (出示单词卡片,让学生跟读:computer, 分三个音节教发音,再连到一起。并由此而让学生练习拼读。接着指导学生拼读game,让学习学会主动学习。) 3、T:Do you want to play with my computer game? If you want, you can say: Can I play with your computer game? (之后,让学生运用此句型在小组里交流,以让学生能更深刻理解computer game 的意思。) 4、T:Daming has got a computer game. Can Sam play with his computer game? Sam has got a kite. Can Daming play with his kite? What happens to the kite? (PPT出示问题:What does the kite look like at the end? 最后,


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