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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Location (Position) Concerned with where values are concentrated. Variation (Dispersion) Concerned with the extent to which values vary. Shape Concerned with extent to which values are symmetrically distributed. * * * * * * 2021/2/11 * Examples: tapply(1:n, fac, sum) tapply(1:n, fac, sum, simplify = FALSE) tapply(1:n, fac, range) tapply(1:n, fac, quantile) ## example of ... argument: find quarterly means tapply(presidents, cycle(presidents), mean, na.rm = TRUE) ind - list(c(1, 2, 2), c(A, A, B)) table(ind) tapply(1:3, ind) #- the split vector tapply(1:3, ind, sum) * * * Location (Position) Concerned with where values are concentrated. Variation (Dispersion) Concerned with the extent to which values vary. Shape Concerned with extent to which values are symmetrically distributed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Shape Concerned with extent to which values are symmetrically distributed. Kurtosis The extent to which a distribution is peaked (flatter or taller). For example, a distribution could be more peaked than a normal distribution (still may be 慴ell-shaped). If values are negative, then distribution is less peaked than a normal distribution. Skew The extent to which a distribution is symmetric or has a tail. Values are 0 if normal distribution. If the values are negative, then negative or left-skewed. * 2021/2/11 * 离散系数 (coefficient of variation) 1. 标准差与其相应的均值之比 对数据相对离散程度的测度 消除了数据水平高低和计量单位的影响 4. 用于对不同组别数据离散程度的比较 5. 计算公式为 2021/2/11 * 离散系数 (例题分析) 某管理局所属8家企业的产品销售数据 企业编号 产品销售额(万元) x1 销售利润(万元) x2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 170 220 390 430 480 650 950 1000 8.1 12.5 18.0 22.0 26.5 40.0 64.0 69.0 【 例 】某管理局抽查了所属的8家企业,其产品销售数据如表。试比较产品销售额与销售利润的离散程度 2021/2/11 * 离散系数 (例题分析) 结论: 计算结果表明,v1v2,说明产品销售额的离散程度小于销售利润的离散程度 v1= 536.25 309.19 =0.577 v2= 32.5215 23.09 =0.710 2021/2/11 * 数据类型与离散程度测度值 数据类型和所适用的离散程度测度值 数据类型 分类数据 顺序数据 数值型数据 适 用 的 测 度 值 ※异众比率 ※四分位差 ※方差或标


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