高校贫困生心理问题的社会工作介入研究_ 以XX高校为例.docxVIP

高校贫困生心理问题的社会工作介入研究_ 以XX高校为例.docx

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摘要 在我国社会经济发展水平不断提高的同时,政府的相关社会福利政策也在不断改革推进,对于贫困大学生的帮扶体系也在逐渐完善,但针对贫困大学生心理问题的帮助、介入仍然存在一定的不足之处。当代大学生心理机能成熟较早,但其人生观、世界观、价值观等尚不稳定,抗压能力较弱,对处理社会人际事务缺乏经验,容易受到各类不良影响,致使他们的心理逐渐产生一些问题。目前,贫困大学生接受高等教育的权利和机会已经基本上得到了保证,但是高校对于其心理健康的重视仍然处于较为初级的阶段。本文通过查阅相关文献、问卷调查和实地访谈,初步了解了XX高校贫困生存在的心理问题及导致缘由,分析探讨了如何通过社会工作方法的科学介入,为贫困大学生的心理问题提供有效的疏导服务。 关键词:高校贫困生;心理问题;社会工作;介入策略 ABSTRACT As Chinas social and economic development level continues to improve, the governments social welfare policy is also constantly reforming and advancing. The governments assistance system for poor college students is gradually improving, but there are still some shortcomings in helping and intervening the psychological problems of poor college students. Contemporary college students have mature psychological functions. But their outlook on life, world outlook and values are still unstable. They lack experience in dealing with social interpersonal affairs and are vulnerable to various adverse effects, causing them to gradually develop some psychological problems. At present, the rights and opportunities for poor college students to receive higher education are guaranteed to a certain extent, but the education of their mental health is still in its infancy. Through reviewing relevant literature, questionnaires and field interviews, this paper has a preliminary understanding of the psychological problems of poor survival in XX colleges and the causes of their causes. And this paper analyzes how to provide effective counseling services for the psychological problems of poor college students through the scientific intervention of social work methods. Keywords:Poor college students;mental problems;Social work;Intervention strategy 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 一 绪论 1 (一) 研究背景 1 (二) 研究意义 1 1. 理论意义 2 2. 实践意义 2 (三) 国内外研究现状 2 1. 高校贫困生心理健康问题现状 2 2. 高校贫困生心理健康问题干预对策 3 3. 简短评述 4 (四) 研究方法 5 1. 访谈法 5 2. 文献研究法 5 3. 问卷调查法 5 (五) 主要概念界定 5 1. 高校贫困生 5 2. 心理健康 6 3. 学校社会工作 6 二 案例高校贫困生心理健康问题调查 7 (


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