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屮国画教学屮书法课稈的教学思考 居珞 木文已发表于《河北农业大学学报》(2011年第二期),引用须谨慎。 摘要:书法是屮国传统文化的重要组成部分,开展书法教学有现实价值和历史意义。“书tai同 源既表达出了书法与屮国画的重要关系,同时也是屮西画的重要区别2—。书法用笔的刚柔、 曲直、枯润、顿挫、轻重、疾徐等节奏变化和绘画的线描息息相通。学习屮国画必须具备书 法的功力,这也是继承传统的基木要求。关于屮国砸专业的书法课程如何进行教学,目前对 此系统专门的研究还很少见。特别是在高校普遍开设书法专业的今天,如何看待国tai专业和 书法专业书法教学之间目标和教法Z间的区别,将会使我们能够重新对国tai专业的书法教学 进行审视和定位。相信对这一问题的研究对我们国画教学的完善有重要的意义。 关键词:书法课程屮国画教学教学思考 G46.3文献标识码:A The teaching of Calligraphy in Chinese Painting Ju Rong (College of Art, Agricultural University of HeBei BaoDing 071001) Abstract: Chinese calligraphy is an important part of traditional culture to carry out the practical value in teaching calligraphy and historical significance. Mpaintings homologous11 is the calligraphy and Chinese painting of the most important relationship, which is one important difference between Chinese and Western painting. Chinese painting style with line drawing as the primary means of rigid-flexible calligraphy pen, right and wrong, fluency, frustrated, heavy-light, fast-slowly and other rhythmic changes are so connected with painting line drawing. For strengthening the expressive paintings are of great help.Learn Chinese calligraphy, painting must have the ability and determination. This is also the tradition of the basic requirements. Chinese painting calligraphy on the professional course teaching how to present this system, specialized research is still rare, of which there are many things to be perfected? Especially in the colleges and universities, today the general opening of the professional calligraphy, painting and calligraphy teaching professional courses and the difference between a professional calligraphy, so that we can re-examine and locate them. I believe on this issue have contributed to our improvement of teaching traditional Chinese painting has important significance. Key Words: teaching of Calligraphy Course Chinese Painting teaching thinking G46.3 Document code: A 1 “书”与“画”的渊源 1.1 “书画同源”论 “书画同源”历来是屮国传统书曲理论屮广受论述的一个观点。书法与绘画在表现形式 和笔墨运用等方面有着很多相同的规律性。唐


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