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* * nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人 * * * He means to get out from the jail. Nodding means “No ” * * * 吃惊的表情 in surprise 惊奇地 to ones surprise 使某人感到吃惊的是 * * * to ones surprise 使某人感到吃惊的是 To my surprise , he is a thief. * * * 吃惊的表情 * * * cant you表示说话人强烈的希望别人做某事。 Can’t you do it yourself? * every day Grammars She has to leave early. She must leave early. Does she have to leave early? Must she leave early? She doesn’t need to/ have to leave early. She needn’t leave early. 陈述句 疑问句 否定句 have to 与must 1. must 表示主观的认为有必要,有义务 have to 表示含有客观的环境方面的需要, 除了“必须”之外,还有“不得不”。 2. must 没有时态和人称的变化 I must ,he must have to 有时态和人称的变化 I have to, he has to eg. I must work hard. 我必须努力工作。 (我觉得有必要这么做。) I had to go home by ship last night. 我昨晚不得不乘船回家。 (有可能没有赶上其他的航班或者火车,没选择才坐船。) Grammars ? Must I arrive on time? -Yes, you must. -No, you neednt. Do I have to arrive on time? -Yes, you have to. -No, you dont have/need to. Must I take care of my grandma? Yes, you ____./No, you ______. (must; neednt) Does she have to come home before 7? Yes, she _____./No, she __________. (has to; doesnt have to/neednt) Exercises Page ? * You have to leave early. Do you have to leave early? You don’t have to leave early. Page ? * He has to decide at once. Does he have to decide at once? He doesn’t have to decide at once. Page ? * We have to take a taxi. Page ? * They have to walk to school. Page ? * Julie has to meet him. Page ? * He must get up early. Must he get up early? He needn’t get up early. Page ? * We must sweep the floor. Must we sweep the floor? We needn’t sweep the floor. Page ? * They must wait the bus. Page ? * He must telephone me. Page ? * He must travel by ship. You don’t have to tell him about it.  你不必把此事告诉他。 You don’t need to tell him about it. 你不必把这件事情告诉他。 You needn’t tell him about it. 你不必把这件事情告诉他。 You mu


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