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Revision for 7A;Unit 1, 2 4;An address (from small to big);Name, age, nationality identity;Appearance;Personality ;Interests hobbies;Daily life;When do we do sth.? from Monday to Sunday; on weekdays; on Monday; on Sunday morning; on the morning of Tuesday; at/on the weekend; in the morning/afternoon/evening; at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner; at 8 o’clock; in the daytime; at night; in different seasons; in winter; in the summer of 2014; … Where do we do sth.? on the way to …; at home/school; in a car; on a bus; on the farm; in the field; in the world; on Earth; on the road; in the street; … What do we do every day? get up; brush the teeth; wash the face; have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner; go to school/work; do some exercise; play volleyball/basketball/badminton/…; have/take a bath/shower; go to bed/sleep; …;程娜很可能和其他大部分学生一样。 Cheng Na is probably the same as most other students. 我有时会在上学的路上给客户打电话。 I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school. 我的司机大约每周两次开车到学校来接我。 About twice a week my driver picks me up from school. 然后我会去我的办公室,继续忙于我的游戏(设计)。 Then I go to my office and continue working on my games. 她快速地刷牙洗脸。 She quickly brushes her teeth and washes her face.;她经常八点钟回到学校。 She usually gets to school at eight o’clock. 她上学从不迟到。 She is never late for school. She never comes/goes to school late. 中国人早餐经常吃粥。 Chinese usually have porridge for breakfast. 爸爸每天都坐地铁上班。 Dad goes to work by underground. Dad takes the underground to work.;Abilities;Future dreams;Unit 3 5;troubles on studies;;;;;An encyclopeadia;Revision for U6 7, 7A;time;space;The sun, the earth the moon;Let’s check the answers to the exercises!;Tell the differences


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