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Module 10 Australia;Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.;Do you know the pictures? What are they? ;The Sydney Opera House;?/ri?f/ ;Ayers Rock;1; Now, open your books and turn to P80. Look at A2. , listen and complete the sentences about Australia.;1. The country that Tony would like to visit is ______________. 2. In Tony’s opinion, Australia is famous for ________________________________. 3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the ____________ of Australia. 4. Australia is _________________ English-speaking country in the southern part of the world.;New words;sailing boat 帆船;a/two sheepn. 羊; 绵羊;a hat n. 帽子;diary n. 日记; 日记薄 diaries (复) ;Listen and read;Listen to the dialogue and complete the table.; Tony is going to write a letter about Australia. His dad helps him. He shows Tony some photos. Tony sees a photo of Ayers Rock in _________ Australia. Ayers Rock has a(n) _______ of 348 metres, and _____________ the local people, it is a magical place.;Tony also sees some photos of sheep farmers with special _____ to keep away flies. The farmers use ________ to cut the wool off sheep. Tony’s dad says Tony can read his ______. He also says he ________ the _________ that he had to ________ off his clothes!;Share in groups what you know about Australia and then make a presentation to introduce Australia in the class.;Check the mind map in groups and then retell the text ;M10U1思维导图 Ayers Rock ① central Australia ② 348 metres high ③ a special and magical 2. The Sydney Opera House ① a huge sailing boat 3. The Great Barrier Reef Off the northeast coast of Australia ② Over 2,600 kilometres long ③ a great natural ; 1. sheep farmers 2. special hats that keeps the flies away 3. are used to cut the wool off the sheep the ants that were all over the place ;Show time Retelling the text accordingto the mind map. ;Write a passage about a place you have visited. ;Summary 我们这就去看看 根据 远离某人/某物 4. 被用来做某事. 5. 从某



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