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高二英语作文题材积累 新的突破 The New Break Through It is known to all that track and field is dominated by black men, they run so fast and win many championships. Asian people can’t compete with them. Many years ago, Chinese athlete Liu Xiang had broken the rule, he occupied an important place in track and field. Since he retires, no one can fill the blank space. But recently, we see the hope, some new Chinese athletes made the record. The four guys won the relay race, they got the second prize, which recreated the history. When people saw them competed with the white men and black men, no one thought that they could win the prize. We are so proud of Chinese athletes, they show to the world that yellow men can compete with the world. We are looking forward to seeing more new break through. 众所周知,田径由黑种人统治着,他们跑得很快,赢得了很多冠军。亚洲人无法和他们竞争。很多年以前,中国的运动员刘翔打破了这个规律,他在田径项目上占据了很重要的位置。自从他退役后,没有人能够填补上这个空缺。但是最近,我们看到了希望,一些中国新的运动员创造了记录。四个男孩子赢得了接力比赛,他们赢得了第二名,创造了历史。当人们看到他们与白种人和黑种人竞争的时候,没有人能够想到他们能够赢得奖牌。我们为中国的运动员感到骄傲,他们向世界展示了黄种人也能和世界竞争。我们期待看到的新突破。 威尔史密斯 Will Smith Will Smith is a male actor in America, he is famous around the world, his movies are very popular. Smith has the black blood, but he looks very handsome, many girls have crush on him. Smith has the successful career, the movies he plays always wins not only the money, but also the good commence. I am very impressed by his movie The Pursuit of Happiness, which is played by him and his son. Smith plays a real man’s story. The man lives the really hard life, he gets divorced with his wife and the son follows him. Smith struggles with the living with his son, at the same time, he is refused by many bosses. Though life is hard, he never gives up, finally, Smith gets the job and becomes a successful man. The story inspires so many people, Smith plays so well. 威尔史密斯是一位美国的演员,他在全世界都很有名,他的电影很受欢迎。史密夫有黑人的血统,但是他看起来很帅气,很多女孩子迷恋上他。史密斯有着成功的事业,他演的电影不仅赢得票房,也赢得了好评。我对电影《当幸福来敲门》印象很深刻,这部电影由他和他的儿子演出。史密斯演绎了一个男人的真实故事。这个男人过着艰苦的生活,他和妻子离婚,


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